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kooi kooi
supak0ma supak0ma
tough luck
behind blue eyes behind blue eyes
Tornado, train robbery, rock slide, dead end; this trains in trouble!...good one.
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Jesse back
Alex Alex
good luck ;)
NDKnight07 NDKnight07
Gort Gort
excellent! the sky
yello_piggy yello_piggy
this rocks!
Patre Patre
This is the Pandora's box of murphy's law applied to a train ride..I like the idea/s and the integration of all the elements..
philmorley philmorley
nyxxie nyxxie
Michel Michel
Cow rider vote
nancers nancers
Every picture tells a story, story! Good one kneeboy! ; )
hellraiser hellraiser
I love the details. Look the shark. =)
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Run it's the Billtv Gang, dreaded outlaws and PSC renagade...yehaw
olive olive
Kasorazbiva4a Kasorazbiva4a
marcoballistic marcoballistic
its all going down a certain brown creek...without a certain instrument to help stop going down hat certain creek... lol beautiful composition of crazed madness i absolutely love it man nice one
occecid occecid
This must have been fun. Lots of creative elements
serious serious
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
Great action on this one. :D
Goat1981 Goat1981
This is an excellent image. As always, great work! Excellent integration and mood.
theduplicate theduplicate
malcinbl malcinbl
rock on
arcaico arcaico
I miss the lady in the trails... ;)
santa santa
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
very entertaining!
Bluesbro Bluesbro
This is simply wonderful, good execution but an even better idea.
thbeghin thbeghin
I have to agree with arcaico but, i love the shark!
AEaglenFitch AEaglenFitch
Nice clean work!
Serps Serps
Nice work
alkmin alkmin
aw8pj aw8pj
=~) Great as always Bill
Chukn8r Chukn8r
velocity velocity
Robaccomando Robaccomando
very good. It's the shizzle
Cambria Cambria
Awesome! I feel like "Where's Waldo". What sharks?
anfa anfa
Hehe, brilliant! :D
JoePhila JoePhila
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
great Bill! great Buffalo Bill TV Show!:D
HandToolUK HandToolUK
ramba ramba
madraven madraven
Okay, that's kind of funny.
Wett Wett
neutura neutura
stephen you rascal
deanmachine deanmachine
Applepoo Applepoo
bad luck i say
Cynn Cynn
anne_soulangel anne_soulangel
allygirl520 allygirl520
that's perilous!
Claf Claf
Yeah! Nice work! Lot of things going there!
sage sage
what claf said! well done.
FinnishFlash FinnishFlash
DLowrie DLowrie
3rian 3rian
Lrossa Lrossa
jazgraphic jazgraphic
You've done one creative piece of work here, well done!
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Too much time . . . . well, that and I like it. ;-)
rashdog rashdog
yankeeben yankeeben


ivan clife ivan clife
nice one ! i still can't vote, but if i could, i would vote in this, is great. congrats
Da_Dude Da_Dude
very nice with all the new elements. great!
Goat1981 Goat1981
Awesome! I just noticed the falling rocks and shark in the water. Excellent detail work!
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
ha! didn't even see the sharks. (maybe it doesn't need the frowny face, though? it seems a little out of place, maybe?)
billtvshow billtvshow
Thanks for the votes and comments!

 Toy Train Tunnel
Toy Train Tunnel zoom

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by billtvshow
Created June 29, 2005
60 votes   5 comments
475w x 600h (68KB)

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