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Be Annoyin plan: Phase 1
Be Annoyin plan: Phase 1
Bingo... just like the blueprints

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yello_piggy yello_piggy
haha, the plan for the mess!
Freakboy Freakboy
dude i cannot think of anything for this contest...
*=J=* *=J=*
lol, perfect
Patre Patre
A planned mess-seems like an oxymoron, but it works here..
karell karell
cool the map :)
rockymike rockymike
Great! Now what's the plan for phase 2?
tabby275 tabby275
ReyRey ReyRey
Funny idea. Nice work.
splenda splenda
man im so excited for phase 2!
bumperskittles bumperskittles
Goat1981 Goat1981
*lol* I can do this *without* a plan! :-p
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
WOW! A Mess Schematic! Brilliant.
velocity velocity
HAHA... that'll work
TheShaman TheShaman
annoy wife plan vote
Caldera Caldera
Azionite Azionite
nice one marco! Glad to see ya back in action...
billtvshow billtvshow
Didn't see that coming did ya?
pegnolia pegnolia
be afraid, your wife will come up with a hiding place for the remote
kooi kooi
e2dmfj e2dmfj
Excellent Idea and Execution. Wonderful Marco!
pitbullz pitbullz
really cool :)
HKlevjer HKlevjer
aw8pj aw8pj
Eve Eve
Really great, Marco! Easy to believe you guys plan our days cleaning up after you ;-)
staywild staywild
Excellent job on this one!
slightlystoopid slightlystoopid
haha nice!
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Marco...marco...marco...since when do you work with a plan...see now I jnow it's not real. Nice work Dude.
tallwalker tallwalker
very nice
the renals the renals
now thats the reason i don't read instruction manuals as they make everything worse
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
har!! funny; i like the thumb indentations on the blueprint.
Lord David Lord David
Serps Serps
Michel Michel
flygrafix flygrafix
Graet Planning and cool effect on this one. Nice ;)
Synthvet Synthvet
All of the above!! Excellent!!!!
jefflang007 jefflang007
I have one of those
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
hehe, very original creation. :)
White Scorpion White Scorpion
nice one.
queenofnightsky queenofnightsky
Nice one, Marco.
Wett Wett
Vlad Vlad
Having the plans certainly makes it easier. Very smart idea.
styson styson
olive olive
mikey mikey
Lrossa Lrossa
sage sage
babydolll babydolll
Nice work!
MindGraph MindGraph
Persuader Persuader
this is very very nice marco - so much good use of the source i'm impressed and it looks so fucking great =)
nyxxie nyxxie


marcoballistic marcoballistic
Ahhhhh phase 2 coming soon ;o)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol, I better get thinking of what phase 2 is then, its getting a following, ok then off to the drawing board with me :oD
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol pegnolia, dam it your so right
pOPOte.lA.pORte pOPOte.lA.pORte
yoWw NIce IDea!! :)
Luisatta Luisatta
Excelent..!! very nice idea...

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 Be Annoyin plan: Phase 1
by marcoballistic
Created September 17, 2005
51 votes   5 comments
550w x 600h (122KB)

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