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Tribute to God Daughter.
Tribute to God Daughter.
This is a personal one for me, my god daughter lost her battle against cancer at the end of September, she was only 9, I thought that this image was perfect to create a pictorial tribute to her, may she rest in peace :.o(

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TheShaman TheShaman
sorry to hear that MB
claudiolky claudiolky
magnific image and work
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Nothing can hurt more than the loss of a child.
*=J=* *=J=*
thats so sad. and at only 9 yrs old.
$H€K$ $H€K$
mere_artist mere_artist
how sad. at least she's no longer in pain and is in a better place now. nice tribute.
pitbullz pitbullz
sorry for your loss, excellent job here great details
rockymike rockymike
A very nice tribute. Sorry for your loss.
Lord David Lord David
blue_lurker blue_lurker
yello_piggy yello_piggy
was this the reason for your temorary absence from psc? and I thought you were moving ... 8(
Shawn Doremus Shawn Doremus
playervote playervote
mikey mikey
May she have peace and rest with the lord in the everlasting life of Heaven's comfort, love and eternity".. great work marco"
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
I remember reading somewhere that those that suffer the most are the most favored and strongest souls of all God's children. These are they that are rewarded highest in heaven for persevering to the end.
Patre Patre
A masterful tribute..
billtvshow billtvshow
kevin kevin
heartfelt tribute.. nice work
tommagic1 tommagic1
Phrosty23 Phrosty23
This looks like it should be in downtown Savannah... nicely done!
HKlevjer HKlevjer
I'm sorry :( Great tribute
zookeeper193 zookeeper193
Goat1981 Goat1981
:( So very sad.
jad3 jad3
nice tribute mb
BogdanRules BogdanRules
I can vote know so here is one i had to give you
e2dmfj e2dmfj
Good work and blending Marco.
Eve Eve
Nice tribute, Marco. Sorry for the world's loss.
madraven madraven
Unmarked no more. Excellent work - inspired from the depths of love.
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
deshone deshone
MindGraph MindGraph
Just beautiful Marco.....I'm sure she loves it. Sorry to you and the family for the loss. Very nice tribute work.
Blaster Blaster
im sorry to hear that... i hope that you feel better and stay cool.
pegnolia pegnolia
SteveWill04 SteveWill04
Rex Cross Rex Cross
theduplicate theduplicate
very nice :))
ReyRey ReyRey
Very nice
Persuader Persuader
i can't find the right words marco but i like your lovely token gesture and i think she always will know that you love her. very nice tribute marco.
ayok ayok
good one!
cher6877 cher6877
This is touching and done very well.
anfa anfa
Nice one mate!
wcgems wcgems
the renals the renals
thats fantastic; a masterful tribute to your lost child.
relax relax
Michel Michel
Nice scene, nice thought
Serps Serps
Bic9000 Bic9000
jefflang007 jefflang007
mate, cancer sucks. I have run an event here for the past 2 years called relay for life, raising funds to aid the cancer council. also, nice enrty regardless of the cause. Gone from this world, always in your heart.
delucx delucx
tallwalker tallwalker
I lost my son to cancer when he was 11 years...I feel your pain.
flamur flamur
Well done Marco for both, the tribute and the chop
masty_tm masty_tm
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
frequency, shut the fuck up already. thanks.
tabby275 tabby275
nyxxie nyxxie
sorry for your loss. very good work
ScottyMiami ScottyMiami
babydolll babydolll
sorry for your loss, it's a very nice tribute.
badcop badcop
I think images should stand on their own without a back story. This visual is pretty good even without your explanation. That being said, the explanation probably made the difference between first and second place.
Wett Wett
well done
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
D3adkl0wn D3adkl0wn
i can vote now, and here you go
olive olive
cowboy399 cowboy399
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
sorry to hear that, my condoleances... :(
Caldera Caldera
Nice all around marco, superb extension upward and the stormy sky adds drama to the scene.
velocity velocity
cafn8d cafn8d
(((hugs))) :°(
ken ken
great :-)
L@rue L@rue
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Claf Claf
:-I :-(


marcoballistic marcoballistic
I know alot of people would be wondering why I have chosen to do this, well the main reason is she loved my cartoon/painting and anything pictorial I did, so this was the main factor for doing this and sharing it with all of you.
BogdanRules BogdanRules
I'm so sory marco it's so sad she wah just 6 years youger than me.I know God has a perfect place for her un there.Nice work and my deepest condolence may her soul rest in peace.
mathmagic mathmagic
why do people die so young. i knew a few people who died young and some who had cancer but they've survived it
Ak Ak
Great work and a greater Tribute. May she rest in peace. My vote goes to you.
Ak Ak
I can not vote right yet, but still you have done a great job!
D3adkl0wn D3adkl0wn
beautiful work, if i could i'd vote for you, very sorry to hear about your loss
style07 style07
this is realy nice... but in the same time so sad...
frequency frequency
i can't help to think that u're using ur supposed "god daughter" as a sympathy ploy to gain more votes out of pity, because what u've done is fairly simple. if what u said were true why announce it to all psc members? why couldn't u have k
frequency frequency
*kept it to urself and closer to ur heart? it was for her wasn't it? Oh and by the way... i know that by speaking my mind i may be throwing many members against me. I've accepted it... its only a matter of time now.
Bic9000 Bic9000
Personally I voted for the quality of the chop, from the added scenery and moody sky to the choice of statue and the engraved text. Best wishes can be left as a comment if someone doesn't like the work. Perhaps its you that should have 'kept it to
Bic9000 Bic9000
flamur flamur
frequency, you only have to see Marco's profile and his work to see that he is one of the best choppers here. You are free to speak your mind but it was very low of you mate. Well.. as low as your "free mind"(oops I should've kept this to myself t
frequency frequency
is it mandatory to leave best wishes?? i say what i think... and i think what i said is accurate. Like me saying members like you would get on the defensive side
frequency frequency
Believe what you want it seems like its all about popularity, reciprocating votes and obligation here. there are better entries
frequency frequency
I'm not saying hes not a good chopper, but there are better entries, that deserve more votes in this contest... too bad they're not as popular as marco. i stand by what i said a sympathy ploy
Rex Cross Rex Cross
That is a pretty jacked up thing for you to say. Marco is an excellent chopper!
frequency frequency
once again not denying hes a good chopper, but sadly some good choppers are very concerned with votes and getting more of them... This wasn't all that great and other entries by not so popular members deserve more votes.
frequency frequency
like i said its all about popularity, reciprocating votes and obligation here. this in my opinion was a sympathy ploy that worked well because of his popularity.
Bic9000 Bic9000
Fair enough. Your opinion. You're in the minority
frequency frequency
Says you... i have 6 people backing me up and maybe more that just haven't said anything to me. They feel the same way about how unjust the voting is on psc.
frequency frequency
You and 2 other people have tried to against my opinion... is that what you call the majority? So now why are you trying the you're in the minorrity thing? Just because alot of people believe something doesn't make it right.
frequency frequency
Once upon a time everyone thought the world was flat, and only a very select few thought it was round. Hmmm... rather than attacking my opinion, why not try to actually think about what i say instead of getting defensive about it.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
thank you for you comments frequency. and I am suprised I am winning the comp. people on here may not believe me, but this entry was not at all about winning, I wouldnt have given a dam if all I got was comments to be brutally honest, this isnt about
marcoballistic marcoballistic
me, this is not about anything, except the obvious. I have lost someone close to me, and before I did this picture, I had talked to friends on here about should I, shouldn't I. Finally though, I know Alice would have loved this image, and it is for he
marcoballistic marcoballistic
marcoballistic marcoballistic
r, I knew though there could indeed be comments like yours, and in some instances I agree with you, I have thanked every person to leave a message on this piece, I did not expect this reaction, it may not be the most amazing wow chop in the world,
marcoballistic marcoballistic
but it gets my message out to this community I have been a part of for nearly 7 months, and I respect, and feel I should share this with. people say I am such a happy guy, and some cringe when I message them good luck or how you doing etc etc
marcoballistic marcoballistic
and I know some don't even like me at all for whatever reason, but I am not perfect, but to me barring my own children, Alice near enough was, and only 9, this isnt about popularity, winning comps whatever, it is one day, I have done something for
marcoballistic marcoballistic
someone I loved, to share with all of you, and thats it. I apologies to all who this offended, or upset, or just basically pissed off, I shall return to normal mad random chops tomorrow. thank you to all who have sent messages of support, every one of you
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I apprieciate every one, thank you
marcoballistic marcoballistic
even yours frequency, although I thought it was a little low to say 'supposed god daughter' althought maybe (whoever you are) have heard me mention in the past that I am not the most religious person in the world, and how can I have a god daughter
marcoballistic marcoballistic
well to clear that up, if that is what you where refering to, I was made an honorary god father when alice was 3, it is in my case more about being there for her and all that goes with it, than the religious connotations that are associated with the term
marcoballistic marcoballistic
anyway hope thats what you meant... all the best to every one of you, and thanks again :o)
badcop badcop
..and of course my condolences. that should've taken priority
e2dmfj e2dmfj
I agree the voting is messed up on PSC but this is a fucked up place to bring this up Frequency. You should have thought about that. That is just messed up. If I were you I would change my name and start over.
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
I looks like he already did change his name...he has no posts. Frequency, that makes your statement addition to being fucked up. If you were really "speaking your mind" you wouldn't have made an alias first...jack-ass
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
Is a great chop here!!!

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 Tribute to God Daughter.
by marcoballistic
Created October 06, 2005
72 votes   37 comments
550w x 600h (115KB)

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