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View from Ground Level.
View from Ground Level.
This is a mixture of original source,5 external sources,original photoshop work and a spoonful of creative licence to complete the scene,sources can be seen here: [img]

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style07 style07
TheShaman TheShaman
boy you werent kidding MB that must have takend forever! GJ!
claudiolky claudiolky
believe it or not!!!!! that`s incredible
pitbullz pitbullz
awesome job :)
Freakboy Freakboy
WHat the heck marco! LEAVE US ALONE YOU FREAK!!!!!!!!
yello_piggy yello_piggy
aaaaah ... have you been there marco???
ayok ayok
oh man.. don't you have something else to do?? I hate you.. hehe.. good job.. as always..
rockymike rockymike
I'd thought about attmepting something like this but ultimately decided I didn't have the patience. Great Job!
babydolll babydolll
Nice job!
tabby275 tabby275
wcgems wcgems
mere_artist mere_artist
mikey mikey
Looks like you were there and took a picture" that's how realistic you made it look! fabulous! I like how you changed the perspective"
the renals the renals
A good use of sources!!!!!!
babydoll86 babydoll86
you stole my idea =) hehe.. lucky me my brother stopped me!
Patre Patre
Very nice change of setting and perspective. And the extension is remarkably crisp and clean.
Shawn Doremus Shawn Doremus
ReyRey ReyRey
Wayyyyyy to much time on your hands!
kevin kevin
consumite pro
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
dewking dewking
blue_lurker blue_lurker
yep sweet image...
Eve Eve
badcop badcop
Without question your girlfriend/wife has yelled something like, "I don't know who you love more...ME or your stupid contest!?". I'm just curious how long the pause was before you answered...
Fevris Fevris
BogdanRules BogdanRules
Nice One Marco !!!! It's so cool i would have given you 5 votes
SteveWill04 SteveWill04
oh wow, talent!
D3adkl0wn D3adkl0wn
pegnolia pegnolia
smygarn smygarn
Mystical vote
billtvshow billtvshow
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Good one MB, your standard is what we are aiming for
karell karell
Great marco :)
patim patim
Looks good, lacks a little perspective but I know how difficult this is, so way to go mate
anfa anfa
What Pat said! :)
*=J=* *=J=*
fantastic work
madraven madraven
Serps Serps
Nice work
zookeeper193 zookeeper193
tallwalker tallwalker
cowboy399 cowboy399
delucx delucx
arcaico arcaico
probably some truth anfa... that probably was deleted by the mods to avoid a fuss here... by the way, depth and perspective are two good words to look for in a dictionary marco...
jefflang007 jefflang007
nice one again mate. a lot of hard work here
Rex Cross Rex Cross
Who cares about perspective, your work is perfect! Don't worry about the others, the strong always rise over the weak, the best float to the top. Marco is the best!
Caldera Caldera
This crossed my mind when I saw it, but it was more work than I could think of investing. Nice entry.
MindGraph MindGraph
Picturing wife out at coffee shop trying to find someone to talk to her vote! Really great MB! Someplace I wouldn't go in the short time you have on these. You pulled it off well!
masty_tm masty_tm
nice ;)
pietjepuk pietjepuk
great but the blue car in the original is a renault twingo (u used a chrysler matiz right?)
Motorhead Motorhead
Great Job!
serious serious
excellent work
olive olive
Wett Wett
Claf Claf
Cool! :)
dbbowling dbbowling
velocity velocity


marcoballistic marcoballistic
the bottom sign btw says: I am not sure what this says, but it should not matter, as I am pretty sure none of you can read this anyway lol.
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
Wow...alot of work. Very nice. awsone idea and great execution. Can't vote yet, but this would get mine.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
all the building and the road, except the windows, inside shop and Video Futur posters are all from original source
marcoballistic marcoballistic
oh and the black car is done from scratch, except the hub cap
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol BC, ya scarily not far off man
TheShaman TheShaman
lol badcop
anfa anfa
Wow, yo did what to make this pic? Stop begging for votes mate!
anfa anfa
What did badcop say?
arcaico arcaico
crap... didn't intend to vote!!!!! >:(
arcaico arcaico
oh boy... Rex, I can give you a list of at least 20 better choppers than him, ignoring PScore, votes, vpp or whatever... bluefist, the202, ReyRey, deshone, supak0ma, anfa, Serps, Alex, j-elzic, cynn, buglover, hellraiser, zingaro, chrispis, flyman, jasper
arcaico arcaico
billtvshow, photolicious, dewking and vuntvunpumununt. So quit it newbie... get knowledge before saying crap.
frequency frequency
I AGREE!!! If someone else would have put this up... someone unpopular... theres no way they would have gotten this many votes. The perspective is horrid, especially for one of "psc's best choppers"
frequency frequency
Seriously why get caught up with votes if they aren't for your talent or skills... you're only lying to yourself. Begging for votes, making obligationals, and reciprocals. Why???
frequency frequency
I guess self interest does govern all... Other entries deserve much more votes. People should start criticizing your work more fairly and more accurately and forget you're "marcoballastic"
SteveWill04 SteveWill04
Frequency is that a joke? I think this does deserve it's 49 votes (and counting..) This is truly great work. Instead of attacking Marco everyday, how bout you concentrate more on photoshop?
pietjepuk pietjepuk
the black car is also a renault twingo awesome work though
frequency frequency
I've in your words "attacked him twice" I didn't in my opinion attack him yesterday... I was concerned with making a statement on UNFAIR VOTING! Today I may have because I realize that its really VOTING MANIPULATION.
arcaico arcaico
besides, it's completely OFF perspective... sorry... take that as a constructive criticism PMarco.... here... look at this... [img] [img] [img]
arcaico arcaico
and I always thought glasses had some refraction index... incredible how the store plaque has no distortion across the windows...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
When did I beg for votes, what the hell, how come I always get an air assault in my comments??? What is everyone talking about?
marcoballistic marcoballistic
and arc why are you always so happy to communicate to me when its insults and critisism? I have nothing against you jeeze talk about trying to push a guy off a building when he feels like jumping anyway
arcaico arcaico
oh boy... did I hurt your feelings?? I am SO sorry... didn't mean to... *insert sarcasm here* was just giving my 2 cents... but if you don't accept criticism, I can take it back...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
marcoballistic marcoballistic
of course I can take critisism, ask people, I have had crits, its all good, but they don't usually ignore me when I am trying to sort a issue out and then plainly 'give there 2 cents worth' on my post. I'm all for 'constructive' cr
marcoballistic marcoballistic
itisism Arc.
ayok ayok
ok chill out guys.. it's really cool anyway, without begging vote or with.. Perhaps there are some lacks, but still... this is cool! And hard work..
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol I wasnt begging for anything, I was just putting down my process in the comments, sorry if it offended anyone
marcoballistic marcoballistic
the perspective isnt actually as bad as I thought, because the left side of the builing is at 45 degrees to the rad, so you would see the angles to the window and so on. knew I did it for a reason
arcaico arcaico
"the perspective isnt actually as bad as I thought" hahaha you really don´t accept criticism... you put a 2D car in a 3D scene and think the perspective is not bad... lol
marcoballistic marcoballistic
i actually accept critisism arc from everybody accept you
marcoballistic marcoballistic
because whether your right or wrong, its just noise to me now....oh and ya must secretly love all my posts, because you come back so many times, thanks for that.... oh and is that a bit of arrogance you keep talking about, I stock it up just for you bud
dbbowling dbbowling
I give you an "A" for effort Marco. I didnt see anyone else try to attempt this kinda chop. Keep up the good work.

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 View from Ground Level.
by marcoballistic
Created October 09, 2005
57 votes   32 comments
550w x 600h (125KB)

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