The Superconducting Niobium Cavity in The Superconducting CryoModule Section of the SNS LINAC. Each Girder section SCL is Injected with Liquid Helium to supercool the accelerator section and specifically tuned for RF at the low temperature. |
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either the background has to be corrected to match the source or vice versa, its too strong in the foreground the way it is... either that, or they just fitted the java accelerator into the old machinery within the last week or so.... interesting idea tho
TheShaman: yup. by the time i elected to stop chopping it, i decided it didnt really work. it probably would have been easier (and better) with some other sources that i had but didnt try. they were all stronger images. i liked how 'busy' this one
Java Accelerator
by taz0mania
Created November 04, 2005
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550w x 400h (73KB)
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