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Clean up
Clean up
...that friggin bottle was a pain in the ass. it's from 2 sources

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rashdog rashdog
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
really clever leif! I like the rake-as-broom element and the reflection in the glass is top-notch.
cowboy399 cowboy399
yello_piggy yello_piggy
cool cleanup
billtvshow billtvshow
mikey mikey
Great work!
velocity velocity
Patre Patre
I like the clean-up and the color change you used to make it work. I also like the shadows, the idea and the composition. Very nice work..
Vlad Vlad
So you're the one who spilled it!
taz0mania taz0mania
Alex Alex
leif posting... that deserves a vote i guess. Great job.
nancers nancers
Nice...did you use a Dyson?
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
awesome work!
Da_Dude Da_Dude
nice cleanup
ScottyMiami ScottyMiami
Cool. I like it. Very good job.
Eepi Eepi
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
Really cool!
claudiolky claudiolky
hellraiser hellraiser
dewking dewking
your perspective is off... way to go. *blub blub*
arcaico arcaico
LEIF???? you actually chop??? dammit, I thought you were just a chat trouble maker... ;)
200puls 200puls
pegnolia pegnolia
jerry717 jerry717
NIce clean up ;)
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
i had a dream that leif posted an entry and the i woke up and---gaaah!! it really DID happen! nice job leif.
buglover buglover
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
shut up, leif
goldenslumbers goldenslumbers
nice job lief
anto anto
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Let me get this cleaned up a mess...not creating one...damn did hell just freeze over...(Nice chop)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
very clever leif
16ozBud 16ozBud
Lrossa Lrossa
bluefist bluefist
gt3 gt3
ScionShade ScionShade
A marvelous chop, the attention to detail is exquisite.
blackfox blackfox
you STILL da man
style07 style07
really clean up...
L@rue L@rue
anabrin anabrin
Serps Serps
mason4300 mason4300
haha, even if this chop completely blew, I would still vote because the comments are so entertaining. nice job, Leif!
xovlov xovlov
I'm not voting for this ... oh crap! MODS!!!!!!!!
zookeeper193 zookeeper193
*=J=* *=J=*
well done
wcgems wcgems
jefflang007 jefflang007
nice clean up
Eve Eve
qqqqq qqqqq
aw8pj aw8pj
Great chop, but just a little tip, avoid cleaning up after yourself otherwise your girlfriend will start to get used to it.
tabby275 tabby275
I like it :)
splodge splodge
woodie woodie
I don't really see what you did. But here's a vote anyway...
tallwalker tallwalker
ironmc43 ironmc43
sage sage
good job. looks like a lot of work
jmh132 jmh132
one of your best chops
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
amazing cleaning job :)
olive olive
Freakboy Freakboy
it's an excellent entry, i'm glad its in first (for now)
anfa anfa
Great chop! :)
theduplicate theduplicate
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
Chicken Chicken
I think this sucks, but I can vote for whoever the fuck I want to god damn it
cafn8d cafn8d
You shouldn't keep your creativity bottled up for so long! This is really good!
Claf Claf
Agree with patim, and the shadow needs some work, but very nice anyway! :)
styson styson


arcaico arcaico
let me get that straight... Feral dreamt of Leif??? Is that what I read? fag...
patim patim
I think IMHO, that the perspective of the jar is way off.
leif leif
ya.. the jar is alittle off. i knew my votes would suffer because of it but it was tuff to fine the right angle.... the internet can only do so much. I'm still happy with the results
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
(agree with patim...and the bottom-right edge of the bottle could use a little de-fringing. still a very good entry, though.)

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 Clean up
by leif
Created November 06, 2005
68 votes   4 comments
550w x 413h (40KB)

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