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....of a first timer (outsidesource) [img]

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volkswes volkswes
karell karell
bigbuck bigbuck
billtvshow billtvshow
now you owned that one, well seen!
couldb5150 couldb5150
out of the box creativity vote
SpellGoat SpellGoat
Wow great work..
mikey mikey
Great insight Sean! WOW!
BroChris BroChris
well done
yello_piggy yello_piggy
cool idea
IvanPanov IvanPanov
super idea!
wilky434 wilky434
telefotoguy telefotoguy
good job!
Showcase Showcase
HA! Scion! I found the same image. TheShaman, I was almost impressed too. you should be ashamed of yourself :/
nyxxie nyxxie
Caldera Caldera
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
I don't see what's wrong with having a perfect outside source pic. This one is perfectly integrated and the reflections are great. Nice work.
NButler NButler
Happy Little Clouds Happy Little Clouds
bsoholic bsoholic
what fish said!
roy Green roy Green
oh i wonder whats on the other side!
dowhatyoudo dowhatyoudo
marcoballistic marcoballistic
it is a good idea, & at no point has Sean said this is all source,or tried to fool people IMO,if you look you can tell it is near impossible to do this with the source.Not everyone list their sources. & I have never read that in the rules. good work :)
GrampZ GrampZ
Micose Micose
what a good clean work mate :)
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
MoLinKo MoLinKo
I like how you made the walk-way look like an escalator, Amazing Manipulation!
Eepi Eepi
ReyRey ReyRey
Good fit
anfa anfa
What he said! :)
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
i'll repeat what i said in chat like 2 days ago: i love the idea of a child's anticipation, though i ordinarily prefer more pure chopping in an entry. considering this contest wasn't the strongest overall, this is certainly worth a vote.
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
Stevster Stevster
cafn8d cafn8d
This is very VERY well integrated, and a clever idea. :D (And I'm STILL not reading all those comments! *rolls eyes*)
Lord David Lord David
Too many comments! That are real comments!


ScionShade ScionShade
Goat1981 Goat1981
Showcase Showcase
OH CRAP! Now Im ashamed...I cant even hit the right button. Well, there ya you cant say Ive never voted for you! *smacks forehead*
Goat1981 Goat1981
The "comment" button is the longer one. ;-)
Showcase Showcase
yeah, I got it goat. thanks for your patience and instruction :/
Goat1981 Goat1981
You're welcome, Showcase. I'm glad to help any time I can. ;-)
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Definitely an example of a picture that needs to include its sources. Had that actually been listed in the author comments, I might have voted for it.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
Hmmmm I must have missed the rule for including outside sources. I have an idea...why don't we make it a rule that everyone put down how long their chop took to make so that if people put in a lot of effort we can vote for it even if it sucks.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
Or maybe we can just look at the end product and vote for it...what say?
Showcase Showcase
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
ScionShade ScionShade
your not making much sense fish.Noone said anything was wrong with Shaman's chop at all, just that this is a case where one may easily and accidentally give a bit more credit than is do.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
What does not make sense is not voting for a fine finished product because of the perceived lack of work involved.
ScionShade ScionShade
Ok whats so stinking great about an escalator/ nothing...nothing at all, the votes are for the "percieved' work involved."Fine finished product"? Oh yeah, I'm all misty eyed over the poor escalators plight.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
So... "The Chase" deserved your vote more than this one. I rest my case.
ScionShade ScionShade
Absolutely, attention to detail and something of a story from a far less experienced chopper? Of course.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))>< :-)
Goat1981 Goat1981
Scion makes a good point... I think this had an early lead because people thought the author *made* the escalator out of the original source... not just finding a good outside source and pasting it in...
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))>< Some vote for effort, others vote for quality. Would you vote if he said he did it with his feet?
TheShaman TheShaman
wow wasnt expecting the spanish inquistition on this.... I figured everyone would have figured out that the escalator wasnt done PS, nor did i say it was... thanks Scion for showing my only outside source.
TheShaman TheShaman
I did integrate reflections & colorcorretion in the outside source too.
TheShaman TheShaman
but comeone people this isnt, I still am happy with the way this turned out, but I wasnt trying to 'fool' anyone into believeing I did all the work myself, you all should know I put "100% source" on those! Geez I show
TheShaman TheShaman
more of my outside sources than 90% of the entries here. you should alteast give me some credit scion... so from now on, should l list all outside sources on everysingle job I do? I never saw that in my rules book, but if it will make you happy......
TheShaman TheShaman
& Showcase... why should I be ashamed? wtf did I do wrong other than not listing outside sources? which isnt something that HAS to be done... I didnt say I made the effing please tell me. : /
TheShaman TheShaman
Goat! had I *made* the escalator myself, I sure as hell would have put that into the notes. You all should know me, my style and how I operate by now.... this just pisses me off to no end..... but thank you < for sticking up for me in my absence  
TheShaman TheShaman
TheShaman TheShaman
that was supposed to be Canuck
TheShaman TheShaman
btw love the apparent double standard... but from now on, so this doesnt happen again, I will ALWAYS list my outside sources for my entries, not that anyone else will.....
TheShaman TheShaman
that is when I decide to do another entry, I may just take a break from this lunacy after my advantage pre-post images end....
Showcase Showcase
HAHA! I love it when people think those of us that do anything but offer up gratuitous praise for an image take this shit too seriously and then decide they need to take a break or they take it all too serious. :)
TheShaman TheShaman
FUCK YOU SHOWCASE... I am not asking for any praise.
Showcase Showcase
hey, I voted for it :/...I think the OTHERS were just trying to say that people, not the smart ones, were looking at this and thinking, "WOW, great job with the sides" or something. :)
Showcase Showcase
HA! see?! Any time someone finds any fault what-so-ever in your work, you never fail to get all huffy and threaten to take a break. You gotta take the good with the bad. its just how it is.
TheShaman TheShaman
there are faults in this entry, & those have still yet to be discussed....what was discussed is that i tried to fool people into thinking that I did an all source or something I hadnt... which i never said.. thats what pisses me off show.
TheShaman TheShaman
btw show the way your second comment went, it seemed that was only supposed to be a comment not a vote... I may be wrong
TheShaman TheShaman
I no, i dont get all huffy, you just seem to bring out the 'best' in me show, most times I take what others 'suggest' is wrong and impliment it into my work.
TheShaman TheShaman
I only as not to be called a LIAR when it is not warrented..
TheShaman TheShaman
and I also believe this is the first time i've ever 'threatend' to take a break... I think youre confusing me with mikey
Showcase Showcase
I dont know...I didnt see anyone call you a liar. you're taking it too personal TheShaman. some thought people were voting cuz they thought you created the walls of the escalator and the source was provided for educational purposes only.
Showcase Showcase
anyway, tell scion to fuck off, not me. he started it.
TheShaman TheShaman
I truly apologize for saying that Showcase, that was not very proper of me and in very bad form.
TheShaman TheShaman
well I did read some of the old Chat.. it came across that way, BTW Scion, the reflections were redone, yes i left in the old reflects too, cause they seemed to fit... did i think this entry was going to win? or cause this much drama? NEVER
TheShaman TheShaman
I just had an idea, and went for it.... it was not my intent to fool anyone into thinking I did more work than I did.... but you must admit, I didnt just slap the outside source into the PSC source and call it a day either. there was work involved.
Goat1981 Goat1981
I wasn't trying to be a smartass or anything. Honestly, when I first came to the site when this contest opened, I saw this in the lead...and when I looked at the chop, I thought to myself, "man, that's a great manipulation of the original source.
Goat1981 Goat1981
...but then seeing the source file (even though it is a very good integration), I thought there were more worthy entries of winning. That's all. It's a good chop. I honestly think it's best to always list sources. I try to do this so that
Goat1981 Goat1981
there is absolutely no question of how the final product was made. (...that is, if you're honest about your outside sources... hehe).
Goat1981 Goat1981
...and BTW, nobody expects the SPANISH INQUISITION *gets the comfy chair.* ;-)
TheShaman TheShaman
well Goat, did I say "All source" or say oh yeah I made the escalator? hell no. cause I sure as hell would have IF i had... cause that would have been effing brilliant... and I DIDNT JUST PASTE IN THE OUTSIDE SOURCE! JEEBUS!
TheShaman TheShaman
[b]pokes you with soft cushions[/b] I wasnt being dishonest about it either, just failed to mention that it was a source... my bad... along with about 90% of the other 'non all source entries'
TheShaman TheShaman
no worries though, I will never have another entry here that doesnt include my outside sources when its not an ALL SOURCE entry.
TheShaman TheShaman
and just so were all clear, I think Rey's should win, its awesome and very clever! do I think that mine needed all the BS and Drama on it cause I didnt list my sources? FUCK NO. Did I do anything tech. wrong here? again NO I did not. geesh
TheShaman TheShaman
thats whats got me so flusterd. This wasnt needed at all. had I known that it was going to be this bad, I would have listed the one outside source. still prob would have gotten around 20 votes, which is about what I expected for this type of entry from me
TheShaman TheShaman
and even if this was leading on the first day, wouldnt be the first time something that was leading early, & drops out of contention before the 3rd day. no way was Rey's going to stay down long....
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
Notice though, that the people who are 'critical' do not vote for this unless by accident - like they only had one vote to give for this whole contest.
TheShaman TheShaman
yeah well I've come to expect that from Scion & Showcase.... I hardly ever see a vote from either of them.. but who cares, its not like we're winning money or prizes here on the regular contests anyway. this, and all my entries are for MY enjoymen
TheShaman TheShaman
enjoyment. stoopid lying chars left! Really, I didnt lie, cheat or do anything underhanded here... either you like my idea and how I went about it, or you dont. vote or dont vote. whoopie. dont EVER call me a liar or a cheat thats where I draw the line
TheShaman TheShaman
If I cannot even enjoy sharing my work with others anymore, maybe it is time for a break... some people take this way too seriously for me, I just want to have fun here. And I would understand if there was real prizes involved like in H2H
TheShaman TheShaman
again thanks to everyone whos liked my stuff, stuck up for me, or just had fun with me. Its been a blast people. really it has.
TheShaman TheShaman
indeed MoLinKo indeed lol
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Is this the record for comments by one person? >_>
TheShaman TheShaman
whatever DoaC just trying to defend myself 2days after the shitstorm
Showcase Showcase
shitstorm? LMFAO! there was no shitstorm until you started ranting and raving like a madman. take your break. its gotten too serious for you.
ScionShade ScionShade
I'm not going to bother to read all this. Your Pm was more than enough. I never got on your shit,
ScionShade ScionShade
I told people it was a very well done chop in fact--here;'s what you do not apparently- This image was winning, by several votes, the people voting assumed this was from scratch. I got on their shit....not yours.
ScionShade ScionShade
I get the impression that you read Marco's stupid vote/comment and took his word for what happened. You should know better.
ScionShade ScionShade
I can't possibly see you getting upset by the comments taht wre left here. Did ya get some friendly PM's telling you the real deal Shaman? Be mad at them for screwin' with yer head.
ScionShade ScionShade
Dang, I read a line--who the hell said you tried to fool anyonbe? You HAD to have gotten that from someone else..Dude screw taking a break..just quit reading those stupid PM's.
ScionShade ScionShade
""I've come to expect that from Scion ..........I hardly ever see a vote from ..."""" Hey, no affront intended guy, you don't get my votes unless you earn them cause frankly, you get overvoted on a regular basis.When I see a thirty vote ...
ScionShade ScionShade
chop with 45 votes....I don't bother to vote. I do that everytime to everyone, see ,many of you folks have come to take it for granted there's an uneven playing field here, that's fine, my votes will play there something wrong w
ScionShade ScionShade
ith that?
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
So let me see if I got this straight... The vote is deserved only if too many people haven't voted for it, and if you think there is enough of an effort. Sounds reasonable.
ScionShade ScionShade
They are like prescious pearls. I do not give them away easily.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
..or logically :-)
ScionShade ScionShade
Fish, you stated right in chat yesterday for the whole world to see that you thought olvidame's chop was crap. A new member of only one week who is putting out excellent effort.
ScionShade ScionShade
Your a protagonist.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
I made no reference to olvidame's chop other than 62 comments ago. I merely stated there that I think this one is more deserving of a vote, and it would appear that I am not in the minority.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
You projected my general comments of last night onto olvidame's chop. That is unfair and protaginistic. (But I forgive you :-)
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
oops, protagAnistic, lest you find fault with my spelling :-)
ScionShade ScionShade
No, you actually said it was crap in used the word crap--it's still there for anyone to see.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
grasping at straws does not become you my friend
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
Thankfully I saved the chat and if anyone would like a copy, you are free to PM me. My reference was in fact to general 'nubie ka ka' of which I consider my work a proud member.
ScionShade ScionShade
"general 'nubie ka ka' "- you called it "CRAP"...So now you wish to change your statement to newbies in general post crap?
ScionShade ScionShade
"Canuck < So... "The Chase" deserved your vote more than this one. I rest my case. " you said that here, then went to chat and said it was CRAP. we were not discussing anybody elses work but olvidame's. Your a flat out liar.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
mikey mikey
E'r....Somethin, somethin! ~ lol!
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
really, what the fuck?
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
I pointed out a difference in our voting style and did not reference any one particular entry. I have the entire chat for anyone to see.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
Never once used the word 'crap,' never stated that all nubie entries are 'crap.' A retraction may be in order.
ScionShade ScionShade
Nice,screen captures of chat...that's kinda strange guy. If you wanna say that you said kaka instead of crap, great, I don't have screen captures to edit. The sentiments the same anyway.The points still the same.
ScionShade ScionShade
Just to make ya happy, we'll say you called olvi's chop "KAKA". How nice of you.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
Say what you like. Don't include me. I made the screen captures to post here. I saved the entire chat for TheShaman to view for interest's sake if he was not back in time. I did not think I would need it to prove you wrong, but alas.
ScionShade ScionShade
Nothing has changed..there are still other entries more worthy of winning..and you can rant all you want about how people spend their votes..I'll spend mine as I see fit. you can spend yours helping the not best chops win. Have Fun.
ScionShade ScionShade
So, you Pm'd them to Shaman? gave him your one sided slant and got the guy all upset? Was that fun? That's some pretty low stuff.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
Assuming that you could impugn my honesty because there was no longer a record was a mistake. Hinting that the chat was changed is sad. We were not the only 2 there, check your memory with the other party.
ScionShade ScionShade
You did not include the whole chat, and even what you did show catches you called newbie chops 'kaka'.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
My PM to TheShaman in it's entirety was this "I can't believe that crap you're getting for your post. People here cannot seem to make up their minds what they want." The title was "Sheesh." (And read your freakin' PM man :-)
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
I did not include the whole chat because we are at over 90 entries, and I wanted to save you the embarassment.
ScionShade ScionShade
Exactly then, why would you save chat to show Shaman? What purpose other than to unsettle the guy could you have had? That is seriously strange. What did you hope to gain by it?
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
As far as nubie chops being ka ka...some are some aren't. But since you vote for effort, it is irrelevant.
ScionShade ScionShade
So you PM'd Shaman and TOLD him he was getting crap, and he wasn't . The only that could possibly be called crap was Showcase telling he was ashamed of him...
ScionShade ScionShade
I doubt he meant that other than a somewhat friendly slight...which Shaman could have read right here on his own.
ScionShade ScionShade
Effort Sir, is what makes the BEST of the BEST choppers.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
I saved it strictly for entertainment purposes as I felt he would be amused at how his position was defended. I don't assume that people take this place so seriously as to become unsettled.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
I considered it to be inconsistency in voting, which I consider to be crap, it was entirely up to him to agree or disagree. I am not that influential.
ScionShade ScionShade
They do. he did. And he had your kind impetus to jump to the wrong conclusion.......hardly entertainment--for me it would be, but not for an all around nice guy like had to know that.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
I am sure that the best choppers here put less effort into their work than I do. I take a long time and effort to come up with my meagre entries. Looking forward to your vote next time ;-)
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
Posting someone's outside source without a comment wreaks of underhandedness...."oooooooh look what I found"
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
And for the record, I did not send the chat to TheShaman, he was able to read it before it was overwritten here.
ScionShade ScionShade
"...."oooooooh look what I found" "..well that explains it, you projected your poor attitude onto me. If I felt like busting Shamans nuggets, I certainly could have said ...."oooooooh look what I found" on my own.
ScionShade ScionShade
Which I Certainly would have done if that if that were my intention.. My true intention was to discreetly make available that information to voters without making a negative atnosphere over it..which would have happened if you had not stepped in.
ScionShade ScionShade
What option did I have to share this information more positively than to just post the info without a statement..which could have served no other purpose other than to try and manipulate peoples perceptions of Shaman's work?
ScionShade ScionShade
We already have enough volunteers who go around PM'ing people as to other peoples intentions. Sadly they are all not quite intelligent enough to get it right. Ask me my intention next time, instead of deciding for me.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
Well, that was fun. I have no problem letting the record speak for itself. You could have posted the outside source and made a positive comment like'great ingegration.' Or you could have actually voted for this.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
If you like, you can now try to convince people that you would have voted for 'The Chase' over this entry in a H2H tournament. Maybe you can even get someone to believe you. With so many arbitrary factors, you are the poster boy for anonymous vo
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
TheShaman TheShaman
I kinda agree with both of you lol... I am def taking some time off, I will be back in June. Scion, next time if I forget to post my outside sources, please feel free to put a comment with the link ok? Instead of just a link. I too took that as a jab.
TheShaman TheShaman
I still contend that I never thought that this entry would be top 3 (even without the stupid link) the fact that it was up there at the top early, is meaningless in a 3 day contest with no prizes.
TheShaman TheShaman
" My true intention was to discreetly make available that information to voters without making a negative atnosphere over it" Scion? the first 3 commenters after your discreet make available were NEGATIVE! leading people to believe I was being underhand
TheShaman TheShaman
Scion why not take you're own advice and next time ask me my intention... Instead of deciding for me and for others whom YOU believe should win.
cafn8d cafn8d
I'm not reading all those comments. I'll wait for the movie. ;) Seriously, I saw this translation of "War and Peace" in its beginnings and rolled my eyes then. Maybe there can be a new rule of limiting the number of comments per entry/user?
TheShaman TheShaman
I also think its really easy to judge when your last entry was 12/09/2005... when the rest of us try to come up with ideas each and every day. sometimes they hit, sometimes they dont, but we still go on... others... NOT SO MUCH
TheShaman TheShaman
funny caf. funny....
cafn8d cafn8d
All this hub-bub looks like at least one good argument in favor of anonymous voting (not anonymous entries), in my opinion. But, of course, suggesting ANY changes always opens another can of slimy worms. Sorry this happend to you, Shaman.
TheShaman TheShaman
me too caf.
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
somewhere, jesus is crying.
TheShaman TheShaman
and a dog barks
Goat1981 Goat1981
Now we should go for the record length in the post-contest discussion area!! who's with me/!?!? !?
ScionShade ScionShade
Iam. "Scion why not take you're own advice and next time ask me my intention... Instead of deciding for me and for others whom YOU believe should win. " How stupid can a statement be, I will decide for myself who should win..period.
ScionShade ScionShade
What will it take to get through your skull taht I never at anytime made any statement declaring your intentions.
ScionShade ScionShade
Your the only one who made the conclusion that this chop was "neant" to fool people....I never said anything like it.
ScionShade ScionShade
neant= meant, is that a waord? anyway, your the one drawing conclusions.
ScionShade ScionShade
In fact!!! Informing people who don't know well enough about chopping to discern pasting from creating that an image was more paste than scratch has nothing to do with you.
ScionShade ScionShade
And idiotically you cry that you were on the recieving end of a 'shitstorm'? yer crazy, You and Canuck went off on me, all I did was paste a source, which we've seen done before, many times. Nada unusual about it.
ScionShade ScionShade
"I also think its really easy to judge when your last entry was 12/09/2005... when the rest of us try to come up with ideas each and every day. " You gonna give Patre this same shit when he comes back?
ScionShade ScionShade
"cafn8d All this hub-bub looks like at least one good argument in favor of anonymous voting (not anonymous entries), in my opinion. But, of course, suggesting ANY changes always opens another can of slimy worms. Sorry this happend to you, Shaman. "
ScionShade ScionShade
Whast happened to Shaman you gotta be sorry for?
TheShaman TheShaman
no cause Patre never has anything but nice things to say Scion period. You dont chop unless something is perfect for you apprently, yet you judge like you chop everyday. I challenge you to chop everyday for a few months and lets see how you do?
TheShaman TheShaman
Its clear that I am not up to the caliber of chopper you like to see win anyway, and I really could care less. This to me is for fun. now if there are prizes to be awareded, different story so why dont we end this pissing contest and be on our merry ways?
ScionShade ScionShade
"Its clear that I am not up to the caliber of chopper you like to see win anyway"-- this whole argument is people telling me what i think. Where do you get off?
ScionShade ScionShade
"no cause Patre never has anything but nice things to say Scion period." so me taking time off cause of dead family aint the same as patre doing it? HA, your callous...and WRONG!
ScionShade ScionShade
"yet you judge like you chop everyday" --there ya go, drawing stupid conclusions you know nothing about..I DO chop everyday, time permitting. Who are you to say otherwise?
ScionShade ScionShade
"This to me is for fun. now if there are prizes to be awareded, "--what is this? you should win with a less than the best chop cause yer just doing it for fun? What's that ahve to do with....anything?
TheShaman TheShaman
sorry to hear about your family, its never ever been brought up as far as I know. fine i'm wrong and Scion you're right. nothing I say or do is going to change anything the way either of us think. Just stay on your side of the fence and Ill stay o
TheShaman TheShaman
DID I EVER FUCKING SAY I WANTED TO WIN THIS FUCKING CONTEST? JESUS CHRIST SCION GET THE FUCK OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE & READ. I said I am here to have fun.. I was going to be happy if this got 20 effing votes
ScionShade ScionShade
"so why dont we end this pissing contest and be on our merry ways? " No, simply because you pissed on me without cause. explain. Are you upset that I exposed your outside source? I see no other reason for this aggression.
TheShaman TheShaman
you seem to be the only one hell bent on the 'win' here. I just want to have fun making images, and in hopes that people like them... votes be dammed, i could give two shits if they win the infamous booby prize
ScionShade ScionShade
I know you said that. What's your accused me wrongly. I never accused you at all.
ScionShade ScionShade
YOU ripped into me, now you wanna back out.
TheShaman TheShaman
No I am upset that you didnt put a note on it so that people who dont know better, wouldnt say things like "Hmmm." "I was almost impressed too. you should be ashamed of yourself :/" that seems like I had something up my sleeve.
ScionShade ScionShade
I'm not responsible for that. I'd bet a nickel on a doughnut they thought you'd be ok with a little jab.
ScionShade ScionShade
Considering the FACT that those INDEED were the people who knew better. Think.
TheShaman TheShaman
I appologize for ripping into you Scion, I was in such a good mood till this happened. I came in monday morning after not being here for the weekend to find that. It took me by suprise.
ScionShade ScionShade
Hope you get it now.... :-)
TheShaman TheShaman
apparently I dont think so well. Sorry.
TheShaman TheShaman
I also cant stand this kinda thing on an entry. the thing that both of us should have done was take care of this privately, which if you rememeber I tried to do.
ScionShade ScionShade
Consider the real world, don't yer friends bust yer nuggets a little at every chance they get? It is absolutely silly that you should anyone here has ever had an excuse to think so unwell of you.
TheShaman TheShaman
and like ive said before, there will never be an entry that doesnt include my sources, I dont want to ever have anyone think that I am trying to do something I am not.
ScionShade ScionShade
If I apologized now, it would be dishonest, I get a kick out of comment battles...well, I can be sorry for that, but trust..totally unrepentant. :-)
TheShaman TheShaman
I dont think you think 'unwell' of me Scion. seems we just go about things differently here.
ScionShade ScionShade
HAHA! NONONE, NOBODY at all, thought you were trying to actually get away with anything.
TheShaman TheShaman
thats fine, Im not looking for an apology. just please, if you ever decide to do that to me again, put some kind a blurb like 'you forgot to list this or that' if you would be so kind.
TheShaman TheShaman
I guess thats just me being me Scion. sorry again. My apologies I hope are being viewd as honest. I dont mind eating crow everyonce in a while...and contrary to what Showcase thinks, I am all for suggestions in my work so long as its constructive
TheShaman TheShaman
hell look at my player 41 entry.... I had so many suggestions, it felt like i gave it to PSC to make.
ScionShade ScionShade
I didn't think you forgot to list nothing, you should not have to. One skill choppers should be developing is the ability to tell what went into a chop.
ScionShade ScionShade
I don't have to look at Player 41, I know every pixel by heart, it was very top grade.
ScionShade ScionShade
HA! I mean Player 42!!! HAHA! foot in mouth.
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
Methinks thou dost protest too much.
Showcase Showcase
Goat, Im with you man! GO! :D
Showcase Showcase
Topic #1: Will an umbrella in fact protect ones self from a shitstorm?
ScionShade ScionShade
Hmm, SHITSTORM....sounds like a good alias name. CHICKEN!!!!
ScionShade ScionShade
Methinks thou art full of the precipitations of a shitstorm.
Goat1981 Goat1981
*lol* HORRAY FOR POST-CONTEST DISCUSSION! Seeing all these comments here literally made me laugh out loud. Hehe.
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Did I miss something?

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by TheShaman
Created May 17, 2006
34 votes   175 comments
550w x 600h (124KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  3
execution  4
humor  0
idea  3
theme  0

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