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Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:36 pm Reply with quote
Quote: I know that I was just being a goof, but someone actually deleted my comments. Are they censoring threads now? What the F$##! I didn't even swear or put anything dirty. I just wrote silly phrases that made no sense. Why would you delete them? I don't get it. A little comic relief is needed in this place. Don't you think so? No big deal. I was just surprised. Do I not have the right to be a goof as long as I am not hurting anyone??? I don't get it. Why? Do we now have someone deciding what is relevant and what is not? Even if you think I am a stupid asshole, I still have the right to be, don't I ? As long as nobody gets hurt?
I'm confused
Sorry if I screwed up your thread... 
Apology me anyway. I know, like you couldnt sleep without that right?
I have to admit, when I saw all those comments in question, I was wishing we could actually have some moderation around here. I get that they were done in an attempt to lighten the mood by being goofy and all but there are topics that end prematurely all the time around here because of comments like those. If you dont agree with something, either dont comment and leave the thread alone or state you dont agree and explain why.
Too many times a serious topic in here that a few people want to discuss gets kicked around and forced in another direction because others think the topic is a waste of time. Thats not fair in a community like this. There will be threads some of us like and others dont care for. Its part of a "community" made up of all types.
You have disagreements and even arguements with your real life "community", why is it so hard for some to believe it would not be the same way online? There is bound to be some strife.
Anyway, Im not even just talking about the topics full of strife...decent threads too.
People complain around here that the forums are nearly dead. I think its, in part, related to these thread hijackings and how its near impossible to have a discussion around here that reaches any kind of conclusion. Why bother starting topics and why bother reading?
just my 2 cents.
Site Moderator
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:41 pm Reply with quote
well said, I suppose it is only a matter of time until a nonsensical item is dropped in here as well...
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:52 pm Reply with quote
"its near impossible to have a discussion around here that reaches any kind of conclusion."
This would seem to be true and unchanging as the rising of the sun or the flushing of the toilet.
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Australia
Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:55 pm Reply with quote
I agree to a point Case....some times the threads here get to intense, like for example..."Thats it Im leaving cause no ones voting for me"...for me thats just pure emotion and a well placed..."I have a good looking penis" comment can just take the edge of....
Its all about give and take, it was my thread and I knew Rey was goofing was not a big deal for me...I did not expect to many answer on the topic, but was hoping it would bring more positive to the forum...
We are having a lot of alias's popping in and trying to stir up trouble and there will always be contriversal threads and images. Its what makes this place what it is. Boss you have my support in any thing you do here except in one thing...never ever pull the pulg.
But in the end I have to admit compared to some places this is a tame forum and the moderation is well in control...and yes its true I do have a very good looking penis 
Location: In a world of $#!t
Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:01 pm Reply with quote
Holy crap! You're kidding right? One of my comments was a crying baby. That one, I meant. That was my real reply. You deleted that too. I don't have a right to express myself with an image? Isn't that what we do here? My goofy comments on the other thread, not Blue's, were my way of saying, "bla,bla,bla" same thread, different day. That was my opinion. I'm not allowed to express that? You need to suppress those thoughts? That's stupid! That's my other opinion. Are you going to start deleting contest entries that you don't like? You will probably delete this too.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:05 pm Reply with quote
I'm not sure why I'm getting all worked up but that really got to me. Ok. I'm done. No more comments. No more humor. I'll shut up now.......Fat chance!!!! 
Site Moderator
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:09 pm Reply with quote
I figured the baby was another "comic relief" post. I apologize for removing it as I should have read deeper into that topic. The image seems kind of ironic at the moment though, heh.
Anywho, some big news here... WE ARE NOT OUT TO GET YOU!
Topics need to be kept on topic more oftern here. It is not something I pushed very much to the mods, again my fault and I can accpet that. I will try to do so from now on though. In doing so it will surely spoil the fun of a select few who live for the eternal tanget. There is not much I can do about that. The forums are filled with solid content. It is our job to make it easier to get to.
ReyRey wrote: Holy crap! You're kidding right? One of my comments was a crying baby. That one, I meant. That was my real reply. You deleted that too. I don't have a right to express myself with an image? Isn't that what we do here? My goofy comments were my way of saying, "bla,bla,bla" same thread, different day. That was my opinion. I'm not allowed to express that. You need to suppress those thoughts? That's stupid! That's my other opinion. Are you going to start deleting contest entries that you don't like? You will probably delete this too.
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:11 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: Holy crap! You're kidding right? One of my comments was a crying baby. That one, I meant. That was my real reply. You deleted that too. I don't have a right to express myself with an image? Isn't that what we do here? My goofy comments on the other thread, not Blue's, were my way of saying, "bla,bla,bla" same thread, different day. That was my opinion. I'm not allowed to express that? You need to suppress those thoughts? That's stupid! That's my other opinion. Are you going to start deleting contest entries that you don't like? You will probably delete this too.
I dont know Rey. In a thread about insulting other members in a fun way, that image might have been funny.
In a real discussion sitting around a table, would you just yell out "Whaaaaaaaa" and then proceed to ask the next guy if he peed in the shower?
I dont think so. You'd pound your hand on the table, explain how you see it, even if it was that you saw it as a waste of time to worry about such things and then say "Whaaaaaaa" as you get up and to go get another beer or something.
Comments like that in the thread you're referring to only lead to more people not bothering to start topics for fear of being ridiculed and feeling like an idiot...again, in my opinion. This isnt good for the health of a "forum".
Queen La Tiff
Location: MI
Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:17 pm Reply with quote
You know, even though I come here to escape the petty annoyances of the so-called "real world," this place can be just as petty and annoying. However, in the interest of taking the bitter with the sweet, I'd like to say that the forums can also be very, very entertaining and enriching. To wit:
When I was brand-new around here, I posted something in "Ask the Experts" about putting together my web page. Even though I was still a stranger, people seemed to just come out of the woodwork to offer advice. Splodge ended up saving my web page, and acted kind of annoyed when I suggested that I should pay him something.
When I had my caps lock on, and couldn't figure out why all my tools' outlines had been replaced by crosshairs, a forum post had me my answer within five minutes.
When Patre's wife was dying, this community did everything possible (from cyberspace) to offer him the comfort and support he needed.
When it was [insert holiday here] time, we all gave the kinds of gifts that really matter--heartfelt, hand-made, personal gifts that couldn't be purchased in a store.
When my ten-year-old wanted to practice Photoshop and entered a contest, seasoned professionals took the time to offer him encouragement and tips for success. His lack of attention-span notwithstanding, nobody had to pay any kind of attention to a little kid with few skills.
From the forums, I've gotten stuff translated, I've gotten a Satanic washcloth in the mail, I've gotten in touch with local people who think like me, I've gotten help proofreading the text for a big project. I'd like to think that, from time to time, I've had the opportunity to give something back here and there.
So, yeah, people act like idiots--but let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. The actual percentage of idiots around here, if you think about it, is waaaaaay lower than in just about any other group I encounter on a daily basis. Right?
Location: In a world of $#!t
Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:18 pm Reply with quote
jmh132 wrote: I figured the baby was another "comic relief" post. I apologize for removing it as I should have read deeper into that topic. The image seems kind of ironic at the moment though, heh.
Anywho, some big news here... WE ARE NOT OUT TO GET YOU!
Topics need to be kept on topic more oftern here. It is not something I pushed very much to the mods, again my fault and I can accpet that. I will try to do so from now on though. In doing so it will surely spoil the fun of a select few who live for the eternal tanget. There is not much I can do about that. The forums are filled with solid content. It is our job to make it easier to get to.
ReyRey wrote: Holy crap! You're kidding right? One of my comments was a crying baby. That one, I meant. That was my real reply. You deleted that too. I don't have a right to express myself with an image? Isn't that what we do here? My goofy comments were my way of saying, "bla,bla,bla" same thread, different day. That was my opinion. I'm not allowed to express that. You need to suppress those thoughts? That's stupid! That's my other opinion. Are you going to start deleting contest entries that you don't like? You will probably delete this too.
Sounds Boring 
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:24 pm Reply with quote
Queen, well said. perhaps posting most of that in Blue_Lurkers thread would be good too.
And Im not saying to throw out the idiots or to even limit what the idiots can do. Just, keep the idiots in their place!
by that I mean, let those that want to have a serious discussion, discuss it...without the fear of someone tossing a burning bag of dog shit on their doorstep. There are tons of places these vagrants can frolic around here.
Im fairly certain JMH wasnt saying he would limit what things could be discussed only that once a topic was started, it should be allowed to stay on topic. Obviously some threads will ramble and go in different directions and I bet those will be seen and understood and left alone.
The satan in a washcloth stuff will still happen. 
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:38 pm Reply with quote
HEY!!! I already said that Lurker! Stop promoting your thread in my thread ya loser!!
(just kidding. you're right.)
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