Well I worked on it a bit over lunch. It's
far from finished but at least I've started. Already learned a few things in the blending options. Questions marked with a "
Found a backdrop that I liked. Not sure I'm happy with the coloring I did to it. But it's only a layer effect so I can easily get rid of it.
The idea I'm headed for is either a witch-demon or demigod figure reaching out to the viewer (but to help or hurt that is the question?). I may add some power arcs coming from her hands? Something to denote magical power.
Next steps I'm working on
1. Finish isolating the woman from the original background. Shouldn't be too hard as I've seen the tut's on selecting with hair.
2. Color and lighting corrections with the woman and the horns. I think I need to remove the highlites on the horns?
3. I want to change her outfit to a period costume. This one will be a learning process for sure.
4. Perspective issues?
Link to the current .psd
Edit: Good call on the horn flip JT. I flipped it and I totally agree. Haven't updated the uploaded image or psd yet. Will hit that on the next update.
Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey