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Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:27 pm Reply with quote
Holy Exploding appendix Batman! How did I miss this info. Glad to hear your doing better, get those antibiotics in ya and you'll be fine-o-mite.
Take care,
Location: Somerville MA
Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:12 pm Reply with quote
Welcome back Rey! now relax and get some rest so you can recover please!
Location: Back where I belong.
Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:54 pm Reply with quote
So this blows the pool I guess.
 Get well Rey. Even though a belly button incision is painful I'm still hoping you get that instead of the stomach zipper.
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: East Coast!
Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:17 pm Reply with quote
The sharp balloons are the worst kind!
_________________ Look out behind you!
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:54 pm Reply with quote
I hope this clears up and they get it out with no problems Rey, also, sorry to hear about kitty, do you want my scabby rat?
Location: Australia
Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:49 am Reply with quote
Hey double Rey...we can swap drugs man cause I got buckets full as well, green, yellow even a pink one that I take...because I dont know why I take it...welcome back mate and if ya choppin chop that appendage out mate... 
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Thu Feb 01, 2007 6:47 am Reply with quote
Glad you are home that's a good thing. Now take care you do not need a setback. Take the meds and you'll be back sooner than it probably seems at the moment.
Sad about the kitty, feel your pain ( Lost our dog Seamusoisin the real one in April)but the little girl can get a new pet but not a new Rey Rey.
Amazing how one day your on the highway and in a moment your in the ditch, makes you reflect on what is important.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:07 am Reply with quote
Do antibiotics turn your pee brown or am I in trouble???  I got a fever again last night and the discomfort has gotten a little worse but I woke up feeling better and the temp dropped. Actually it seems like it dropped too much..  97.1 is that good? I hate this crap!! The only good thing is that I lost 6 pounds. I thought I would come home and go to work. I think I was wrong. This sucks!!!......
Have a nice day. 
Location: Rochester, New York
Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:29 am Reply with quote
Get better soon Rey Rey, I am not sure if antibiotics make you pee brown.
I know eating beets makes it red 
Location: Massachusetts
Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:46 am Reply with quote
Call your doctor about your concerns, and the sooner the better. Most likely, he'll say there's nothing to worry about. But if there is anything that needs attention, remember that "a stitch in time saves nine." Even if you're feeling all right again, give him a call. Don't forget that your pharmacist can also provide side-effect details about your specific medicines, particularly about any interactions between the drugs. Be sure to mention if you've taken any over the counter or other medicine in addition to the new onslaught of prescriptions. The worry you have won't do your health any good, so do whatever you need to to put your mind at ease.
When you can sit back and relax, you can do a little research on your own into the efficacy and side effects of most any drug. Here are a few sites to get you going:
Also Google the names of your medicines to read their package inserts on-line. Of course, you can do the same with your diagnosis and proscribed treatment, but I highly recommend sticking with your doctor's advice or seeking ANOTHER DOCTOR for a second opinion rather than formulate your own second opinion! You may even find message boards or forums of patients comparing notes. You'd be surprised at how much is often out there on the Internet! But particularly with such "communities" of patients, take individual stories with a grain of salt... most likely their complaints won't have any application to your situation. Don't become a hypochondriac!
Good luck, ReyRey, you'll be fine! Just.... let us know how much WE should worry, okay??
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:49 am Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: Do antibiotics turn your pee brown or am I in trouble???  I got a fever again last night and the discomfort has gotten a little worse but I woke up feeling better and the temp dropped. Actually it seems like it dropped too much..  97.1 is that good? I hate this crap!! The only good thing is that I lost 6 pounds. I thought I would come home and go to work. I think I was wrong. This sucks!!!......
Have a nice day. 
Fever goes up at night as you get tired. Your medicine may be causing a discoloration of yor urine(OK pee did not mean to get technical), give it time you probably don't yet realize the severity of what you have been through.Everything will get filtered through your kidneys and some of the bad crap ( Now this is not technical) is coming out.
Location: Malta E.U.
Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:29 am Reply with quote
glad to hear you're back home Reyrey, but please call your doctor and keep yourself under observation until the worse is over. You don't want to take unnecessary risks.
Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:47 am Reply with quote
Hey Rey, glad to see you are back,
take care of yourself..and get better quick!
Location: Northern NY
Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:15 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: Do antibiotics turn your pee brown or am I in trouble???
Are ya sure it was pee?
Glad to hear your gonna be alright man.
_________________ Not All Who Sing "The Wanderer" Are Dion
The Closer you get to Canada the more things there are that wanna eat your horse.
Location: Tripping the lights Fandango
Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:00 pm Reply with quote
Welcome Back Rey Rey ..blood can turn urine brown,I hope you got it checked out.the web MD link that caf posted is the best for info IMO..Take Care
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