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Location: Uranus
Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:11 pm Reply with quote
forget stealing the cow, get drunk, sneak up on it and tip it over
Location: Massachusetts
Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:02 pm Reply with quote
I might well be the only person here never to have sold anything on ebay.  How does it work? I ask because it may be a quick and easy way of opening up a storefront for Naiko to sell his paintings, unless ebay charges too much in commission.
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:36 pm Reply with quote
Holy carp...I hate working...really interfers with important stuff like what happens around here during the day.
So sorry this is happening to you...
Count me in Naiko...anything I can do to help you, in IN!!!
Can ya sell a Llyn Foulkes signed catalog online? And I've an autographed Lichtenstein litho...

Location: Geordieland, UK
Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:48 am Reply with quote
This could only happen in France!  Don't worry they are the best for looking after there artists! I hope! 
Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:21 am Reply with quote
Micose on the prowl in the streets? Beware young hot women of France!
Seriously though Micose, if I there's anything I can do to help too, I am in!
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:24 am Reply with quote
mother of god, I had visions of like someone said a last ditch mobile phone message sent from the boot of a car as you were being driven to a castle on the outskirts of Lyon to be brutally slaughtered by the secret society of red monks of gaul, for their annual sacrifice to the under world god moojoo..... Or perhaps I just had a weird dream last night.
Either way glad to hear you are at least well Naik, I am sorry to hear your situation, it is not good at all. I's there a link to a website with your works on it my friend?
Location: California & Idaho
Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:42 am Reply with quote
marcoballistic wrote: mother of god, I had visions of like someone said a last ditch mobile phone message sent from the boot of a car as you were being driven to a castle on the outskirts of Lyon to be brutally slaughtered by the secret society of red monks of gaul, for their annual sacrifice to the under world god moojoo..... Or perhaps I just had a weird dream last night.
Either way glad to hear you are at least well Naik, I am sorry to hear your situation, it is not good at all. I's there a link to a website with your works on it my friend?
ok ok ok Marco gotta cut back on your late night television watching !!!..ya nut !! bwahahaha
oh and by the way its called a freaking trunk not a boot ....far as I know boots go on feet right ??,,,back me here people......quick story ...I used to date a chick from the UK...and when she was here in the states we went on a day trip .....once packed I asked her where she wanted me to put her very small purse (conntaining visa,credit cards etc) in the car she says......and as i am walking away from her to the car ...she yells to me ..."put it in the boot....") ..her thought was so no one steals anything if we stop to eat ..sitesee thinking crazy i get to HER car and sure enough there are two sets of shoes on the floorboard in back seat,...and ya guessed it one pair was kinda chicke looking cowboy styled boots the other tennis shoes.......ok went her little clutch,handbag,purse..whatever ya wanna call it...........ok screen fades to black and we return home after our day trip ...(which no events during caused her to NEED her purse....see where im going with this? we say goodnight and she heads home.......
PEOPLE!...that night i got the phone call that someone had stolen here purse from "the boot" like WTF?.....and without making a long story longer....for the next 45 minutes we had the ultimate "who's on first" argument about where i in fact put the purse and where in fact she was looking.....OBVIOUSLY TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT PLACES!!.....
Ya Brits I tell ya for the record when ya say BOOT to us here in the states we are thinking cowboy foot attire....ok ???
Not a very large empty space in the front or rear of a car......i mean come on they dont have any similarity...(heres where i stimulate the researching gurus for the exact definition)
thanks for bring back the memories of Ms Psycho for me Marco ...appreciate it buddy !!!!...bwahahahaahha
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:59 am Reply with quote
geez you're an artist... photoshop yourself some cash already Nicolas
sorry to hear about your financial situation. I feel your pain. Having a wife, 2 kids, a house payment, 2 car payments, cable bill, electric, gas, water bills. insurance on everything. not to mention food and clothing all on one income... is pressing at best.
Location: East Coast!
Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:20 am Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: I feel your pain, Having gas
Just take beano, And they'll beano Gas
_________________ Look out behind you!
Location: California & Idaho
Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:29 am Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: geez you're an artist... photoshop yourself some cash already Nicolas
sorry to hear about your financial situation. I feel your pain. Having a wife, 2 kids, a house payment, 2 car payments, cable bill, electric, gas, water bills. insurance on everything. not to mention food and clothing all on one income... is pressing at best.
Ok shaman ...thanks you too for bringing up the "make your own cash issue"
Let me just ask the group ...has anyone else tried to reproduce (for an art challenge only not to be used as currency of course) any new us 20,50 or 100 dollar bills?
In and a couple friends had, in the past, competitions on who could make the most realistic stamp,drivers license,car registration tags currnecy etc....all in an artistic challenging type mode ...all destroyed after..and non used illeagallly mind you
Well that was a llot of fun and some great learning experiences......UNTIL!!!!!......the new bills came ou......
picture this if ya can...its late at night you are scanning a brand new 50 dollar bill. to then crop. re color.and do a two sided perfectly aligned duplicate of the bill...something ya have done before only for artistic reasons and not for fraudulent uses......when all the sudden half way through the scan....the scanner just stops and light retracts back to its holding spot.....your printer spools up and wityhout you doing a thing starts to print!!! you watch this ...your monitor is now loading a US.GOV web page of some sort.......then the printer stopd and you check it ....what its printed is the first qtop quarter inch of the 50 dollar bill and then its has large bold text bellow that 1/4 inch of bill that reads in caps....
Counterfeiting is a crime w a zero tolerence policy for those cinvicted of it ....please call555-555-5555 or go to blah blah blah website
HOLY SHIATE.....i've never unplugged and shut down more eclectic components in a faster manner in my life ...turned all the lights off and unplugGed all the phones.......and then left the house to go grab a bite to eat...the hell if i was gonna be there when the cavalry showed up!!!!
I stressed for no reason at all ...apparently
the US secret service and ADOBE had gotten together and adobe cleared its facility of its personel so as the SS or CIA (forget which one) could go into ADOBEs facility and write some small extra codes to their softwares that will recognize certain things in the new bills like colors and color patterns and doc sizes or the combo of them all ...etc...(this is what i came up from researching it ....not adobes site ).....
pretty freaking weird huh ???????
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