Breaking your guitar just after you buy it
Hooking up a hard drive and it breaking your cd drive
Your work not hiring a receptionist just to make everyones lives a little harder
Running out of vodka
Running out of beer
Needing to go a long way for a job interview
Making arrests
Paying child support
managing websites
DIY work
Going to court to settle a divorce
Finding time to raise two young kids
Finding time to spend with your kids
Finding time to chop
Paying the bills/morgage/car payments
New keyboard problems for Naiko
Windows Vista
ICT coursework
People who have no problems
Having a breakdown
Doing all of the work and getting none of the credit
Working your ass off and not getting anything while the lazy people get everything
Mental block (or as I like to call it chopping block

Ativan being addictive
Bad drivers that should learn to indicate properly
Drivers who slow down unnecessary
Drivers who smoke and lob the butts out of the car
Cigarette smoke smell
Drivers which make your computer crash
Sound cards defected
Pissing someone off only to find they've voted on everyone else's entries but yours in an attempt to lower your rank (

Being left out of threads
Having nothing to complain about
People who don't vote on your chop, or refuse to vote alltogether, yet still bag all the votes on their entries
Doing the laundry and leaving important stuff in your pockets (money, flash drives etc.)
Squishing your bollock when you sit down
Predjudiced a-holes
Abusive male a-holes
Evil carrot eating hellions
Companies naming cars after you but refusing to give you a free one
Stereos that break
Traffic Jams
Avoiding old traffic jam alerts accidentally
Being caught by your girlfriend while you were trying to use the work excuse to have a lad's night out
Drinking and driving in a new car, and paying the price(s)
Satellite radio
Idiots in the world of computer literacy
People who ask stupid questions generally
Bad anniversaries
Sucking at pool
Amp cables
Drinking random alcohol from a random girl at the bar
Spiked Drinks
Unfair voting or undervoted entries
The new internet explorer (it's always sucked, but now it sucks AND it's confusing)
Time management
Anxiety (if thats how you spell it) attacks
Pets Dying
Medical bills
Gravity not existing (in fact, the world just sucks

) this insight is sponsored by reinman
More to come....
so i've been saving for over a year to get myself a new guitar because the one i had was rubbish. anyway, so i recently bought a Gibson SG Special which i imported from america (even with the customs charges it works out at about £150 less expensive getting it from america, anyone who says american prices are expensive should be ashamed). it arrived about 1 week ago and just now i tripped over the cable and broke one of the tuning pegs clean off.
I'm just ranting now...
if anyone else is annoyed with the little things in their life, rant away