*I hate this:*
The first real snow we had this season came as a wintry mix, lots of freezing rain mixed in. I didn't have space in the garage for the car, and it took me a couple of hours to unfreeze it and clear it off... Pushing the heavy, icy snow off the hood, there are now hundreds of little scratch marks that must have been from the ice! Oh, I was so mad at myself!

I should have done the hot water bit to unfreeze the doors and start the engine and melt the stuff off. AND this was the car I inherited from my mom--the one we had been planning to trade in for my new car! The dealer didn't seem to penalize us too much for the scratches on the trade-in evaluation, but I'm still kicking myself.
*I hate this time of year:*
I've been getting more and more depressed and down. Every year this happens to some degree. This year seems particularly hard. This weekend marks the 10th anniversary of my dad's sudden passing... and the first time I'm facing it as an orphan.
*maniacally manic bit:*
Finally something positive to partly counterbalance my yearly grieving: TOMORROW is the day I get my new MINI Cooper!

But I'm also sentimental at giving up that tangible piece of my mother in trading in her car... I know she also loved MINIs and she'd be ecstatic that she was helping us do this... but still...