heamburger wrote:
I have made a grave error. I spent about three hours making my entry to the leaf contest. I edited all well in photoshop making the perfect frames for my gif.
then i put it into image ready only to realise that i have created a 1600x600 file which will not scale within the restrictions. Regretfully i have to ruin my work by making it out of shape but it still looks o...k....
THen i go to save it but with rediculous file size. 7 frames 550 by 350 (i think) and i cant get ti under 550 with out making it look really bad quality what are you useing to make your gifs imageready? how are you optimising them?
I reduce dithering amount and use the advanced setting on the lossy sliders (and of course reduce colour depth)
I ended up with about 70 colours, 85% dither and the 2 sliders in the advanced lossy applet were at minimum 25 maximum 55 or thereabouts..I also had to go a bit smaller than 550-450 and fix a white border to the outside edge.