I'm awesome?
oh... er, um I mean I'M AWESOME!!!
I'm not sure if that means I am, like, a BLOCKhead or something? Well, it is the first time I've been in a POLL before, so I'll take it where I can get it (even if it doesn't seem to have ANYTHING to do with this thread!

Writer's Block / Choppers Block / etc. It is part of being creative (unless you are Micose and you keep doing the same thing differently all the time

) to have periods where your Happy Juices run dry (no jokes please!). I haven't had a good idea since 1973, when I realized that Steven Spielberg would NEVER be my personal buddy, and that hasn't stopped me!
Seriously though, for a minute. (a SHORT minute for me). The good thing about having a period of time where you can't seem to come up with a good idea is it is very much the same as hitting yourself in the head with a hammer... it feels SO good when you stop. As Aggamemnon has shown us, there is a BURST of HAPPY FEELINGS and Tingly Sensations when you finally come out of your slump. You'll hear birds singing where before you only heard the sound of the neighbors garbage disposal unit grinding through chicken bones. You'll notice bright colored flowers where you only noticed before that steaming coil the neighbors dog left behind. You'll feel the sun on your face where only recently you suspected you had Suspicious Growths happening.
And the other potential benefit of not knowing what to chop is you'll give Marco just a wee better chance of winning yet another prize of yet another Photoshop Filter software that he really doesn't need.
In conclusion: A) block happens B) it ain't gonna kill ya C) I'M IN A POLL!!
-------S. Reinier deSmit, esq.--------
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!