talking about tutorials i just made this for a simular forum, full of not very computer savy .ppl,
thought it might come in handy here,
OK here we go, i only use "PHOTOBUCKET" free, reliable and it's been around for years.
go to and open a free account, dont let them bully you into having a profesional account, no need, i have over 1,000 photos, videos and flash movies on my free account, once you have registered you will be take to a page like this one.
click on the browse button and a pop up window will open, navigate to the folder on your computer where you have stored the pictures, click on one picture per browser window, then click 'Upload' wait a second or two for the picture/pictures to upload.
scroll down and you'll see the thumbnails of your pictures, if it wont scroll down it's still uploading,
click on the thumbnail to open it in a bit of an editing suite you can resize or rotate the pix in here.
click on the second text box down and photobucket will copy the URL link to your paste board, come back to donny on line and open a 'post reply' box.
type your message and then on a new line click on the 'IMG' button i high lighted in yellow, you'll see the bit of code i high lighted in red, paste the URL link from photobucket then click the 'IMG' button again and you will see the closing image code i high lighted in blue, click submit. you are now a computer programer
if you can see any mistakes (apart from my spelling)
please let me know here