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Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:19 pm Reply with quote
Problem: PSC is getting very popular with tons of entries into each contest. This means that there is many pages of entries and the best ones can be lost in the middle or end where nobody is looking.
Solution: Everytime you go to a contest PSC scrambles the entries in a random order so that there is a chance for everyones entry to be on the first page and be seen.
Thoughts on this?
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:26 pm Reply with quote
people just need to take the time and view all the entries i do and i usually start at the bottom for this very reason and i don't waste all my votes at the bigining i vote through out the 3 day voting peroid so that the newcomers or late entries get a fair chance. thats my input on it. 
PSC is like a gang... i got beat in... if i leave... they'll beat me off!!!
Location: Northern California
Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:26 pm Reply with quote
Nope... cuz people in the advantage pay for their entries to be up first.
*I do not support any ideas that come from marco or marco's aliases.*
Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:29 pm Reply with quote
Oscar wrote: JDickow wrote: Problem: PSC is getting very popular with tons of entries into each contest. This means that there is many pages of entries and the best ones can be lost in the middle or end where nobody is looking.
Solution: Everytime you go to a contest PSC scrambles the entries in a random order so that there is a chance for everyones entry to be on the first page and be seen.
Thoughts on this?
Nope... cuz people in the advantage membership pay for their entries to be up first. 
o.0, this i did not know, how bout we scramble everything after that? Or advantage guys can have a whole voting day to themselves
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:31 pm Reply with quote
Like Oscar says, one of the main points of the paid for advantage is the entry is up first.
my thoughts:
a) randomising everytime would make people more likely miss entries, as people would get get lost as to what they have voted for and the world may infact come off its axis and spin into the sun.
b) agreeing with Matt, hopefully people will have time to go through all entries thus seeing all entries.
c) just come back a bit later and hit organised by most recent, and Bob becomes your uncle.
d) .... ok that'll do
Location: Northern California
Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:33 pm Reply with quote
Quote: o.0, this i did not know, how bout we scramble everything after that? Or advantage guys can have a whole voting day to themselves
your idea will doom us all.
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:34 pm Reply with quote
Oscar wrote: your idea will doom as all.
that is most accurate Osc 
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:36 pm Reply with quote
good to see your thinking of ideas an all JD, but maybe you should invest in advantage and all will become clearer, and angels may sing, the sun will shine and birds and various forrest based animals will dance around like they are on some recreational drug 
Location: Northern California
Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:38 pm Reply with quote
marcoballistic wrote: good to see your thinking of ideas an all JD, but maybe you should invest in advantage and all will become clearer, and angels may sing, the sun will shine and birds and various forrest based animals will dance around like they are on some recreational drug 
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:12 pm Reply with quote
Jeremy rotated the entries for awhile. The site used to show the top 4 or 5 of each comp on the home page. I think it went back to the original layout when the site was redesigned.
Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:43 pm Reply with quote
JDickow wrote: Problem: PSC is getting very popular with tons of entries into each contest. This means that there is many pages of entries and the best ones can be lost in the middle or end where nobody is looking.
Solution: Everytime you go to a contest PSC scrambles the entries in a random order so that there is a chance for everyones entry to be on the first page and be seen.
Thoughts on this?
Here's how we pay for your idea: First, you pay the cheap, and I mean really cheap fee to become an advantage member, which helps to support a really great site. Then if there's anything left over after the bills are paid and a profit is recorded we can then hold an idea contest. Whoever wins the contest with the most votes gets a $20 gift certificate to CHUCKE CHEESE'S.
I'm not sure what the problem is with "many pages." Select the "all" pages link from the bottom of the page, and presto all the thumbs are there on one page.
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:47 pm Reply with quote
yep, couldn't agree more, always hit the 'all' button.
And strongly agreeing with Chuckie Cheese 
Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:57 pm Reply with quote
possible solution could be to add a random order page)
The 'randomizing' can be done by using a seed based ont the person, so it's not really random but more like shuffled per person. So everyone sees another shuffled deck, but for himself he (she) will still see the same shuffled deck.
By shuffling the decks based on a per user basis the effect of non-equally distributed decks will clear himself out.
If this should be implemented it should only be done optional, the standard ordering should remain like it is (else the advantage effect will lose his purpose)
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Back where I belong.
Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:02 pm Reply with quote
I'm gonna be one of the Advantaged and say that I kinda like this idea. Randomizing the thumbs might be kinda cool.
To me Advantage isn't just about getting your image up on the first page. It's about getting the source in advance and being able to submit an image before the contest starts. Having a longer time to work on the pic is the advantage.
As for losing what you voted on that's not really the case. The CSS for the site puts a red border and opaque overlay on the entries you voted for already.
That being said I almost always us the "all" link to see all the thumbs on one page. I also browse through one-by-one to do my voting and I try to review each contest on each of the three days it's open so that I don't miss anything.
(although my work load prevented my from voting for a while)
Edit: I do like Tony's idea of having this as an option. Put it next to the "all" or in the profile. 
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”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
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