Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Art Thievery - Hall of Shame II a.k.a Not What It Seems II - Reply to topic
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Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:30 am Reply with quote
manic_d wrote: Maybe we could just have a list of image sites that are safe for us to use in a link here at the top. So instead of googling up something we actually go to these copyright free sites that allow us to use the images free of controversy and by having the link up nobody has to hunt down the list in an obscure forum it's just there and handy. It might solve some of the issues in source hunting. 
if you search around the forum sections Manic there are a few threads with many many image sites listed like this, Tofu, where are you, where is that really in depth one you did, link it up here 
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:33 am Reply with quote
ledirlo wrote: Our pictures at psc are absolutely not copyrighted, which means if someone gets one of our jpegs and uses it commercially there's nothing we can do.
But come on, how can someone possibly use a jpeg commercially, other than from a small banner on the internet.I dont see any pic that has sufficient definition and quality to be used for press.
already been used several times in press releases, most recent being Photoshop Creative magazine last October did a 3 page spread on PSC using several works from here, and they looked great big al over the pages.
Location: UnitedStates
Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:47 am Reply with quote
for ana - I didn't want to quote that whole thing (and you guys thought I typed fast!)
Parodies are more difficult to explain... some of them are covered under fair use rules, but they are specific on what a parody is... like you want to use Barbie doll to make fun of Barbie, then that might be covered... but Mattel may not agree so you should get their ok on using Barbie. If you're using Barbie to make some sort of statement, when you could have used any generic doll, than that is not covered.
2nd, parody is a form of cultural criticism, but not every cultural criticism is a parody. If someone would not agree with the parody, than your usage of Barbie is not ok... and like I said, Mattel (trademark owner) holds the cards on Barbie usage.
if it's a parody collage, then you have a different set of rules... collages use various bits and pieces of other things BUT the changes must be significant. Minor alterations to a single other work might not be "different enough." if you're only doing minor alterations, or using items in full - you have to get permission to use it.
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:36 am Reply with quote
annajon you been following my dedew trail. why did'nt you just say it was you. Girl i been running like jesse owens because i thought the boogerman was after me. i'm glad to here it was just you. i've been hiding in the news page thinking it was a stalker. your room and mind cluttered all up like that is normal. don't let the neat freaks tell ya no diffrent. hey i found a great way to not only copyright my work but protect it from others using it. i just put a little dewdew on tha edges and so far noone has stolen anything. marco did pick one up but as soon as he saw the dewdew he threw it back down. so if anyone shows up with a stinky picture i'll know where they got it. i only give permission to debvahn, with chops like (she-he )does its hard to tell whats dewdew and whats just plain ol dookie. WARNING marco's name and likeness used to enhance this joke but all intellectual property still remains in the sole property of dewdew. dewdew is a all profit orginazation, all profits will be spent by dewdew, for dewdew, in the name of dewdew. remember boys and girls only you can prevent forest fires. buckleup. click it or ticket baby, hiways or dieways the choice is yours. ya'll be nice.
Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:55 am Reply with quote
irrelevant note: dewdew, don't want to bug you but ever heard of capitalizing, newlines and paragraphing...
anyway.. carry on 
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Everywhere
Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:23 am Reply with quote
dewdew wrote: finally a magazine cover making tutorial, thank god i've looked everywhere for one of these. i knew coming to this site would pay off. ty whimsea. marco trust me you never looked better. not even simpsonized. grefix you big giver of rights, you make me wanna press your little penquin tummy like the pillsbury doughboy.  this place sure does have a lot of sun shine in it. why just now as i was typing a little blue bird fluttered down and.....i smashed his blue feather butt right into the key board......but precious likes the blue bird.....shut up you....dewdew haaaaaatessss the blue bird. ughhhh i have a question....does sun shine stick to the bottom of your shoe? oh well
And I also see a magazine that you used to put Marco's head on??
I did not use a magazine for the volleyballistic entry. flattering that you thought it was one. I'd be glad to show my work and tell you about my 29 layer file.
 would have given my right nut to see the face that produced
this is better than cable,and down right educational. dont know how many votes it (vollymark)got but would love to know how many did'nt vote because they thought it was only a simple head chop. just goes to show "things are'nt always what they seem." round III
The face that was produced while reading that comment was  I wasn't referring to his magazine cover as a whole, I was referring to the male he used to put Marco's face on, I knew the cover was made, although quite good in it's execution  it is noticeably not real.
Location: Everywhere
Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:43 am Reply with quote
WhimSea wrote: cherylm329 wrote: All I have to say is that if a person chooses to use ideas and/or other peoples images to create a chop it is there own business and done at their own risk. It is up to the voter if she or he chooses to vote for it . As far as I see it too, you used some externals in your chops, were they yours?? Did you ask mightybeet (I think that is who it is) grefix, and Marco to use there faces in those chops you did?? And I also see a magazine that you used to put Marco's head on?? I am not trying to start an argument or trouble, just making a point. 
let me see if I can answer all your questions...
it's your own risk on your own website, but this is a commercial site.
it is up to you whether you vote for something or not, but some base their vote on how the work was done, by whom and the use of source pic.... and some just base the vote on the whole pic not caring how or where it came from or if the source is present or not.
yes, i use externals in my chops. A lot are my own, some from membership sites, some from sites that are feel free to use, and some images from various places I found thru google - BUT when I use a source I find thru google, I never just use it as is. I never use blatantly obvious copyrighted/trademarked items - like Disney, Simpson, Warner Bros. characters, no trademark logo - make my own. I always find generic photos and alter them or only use bits of various photos to create what I want and I create a lot of my items in illustrator and photoshop.
I did not use a magazine for the volleyballistic entry. flattering that you thought it was one. I'd be glad to show my work and tell you about my 29 layer file. first link is all text detailing the idea/work process and telling you what each layer was.
Yes, that is true the voting can go that way, but I guess that is why we are free to use our votes as we see fit as an individual. This has happened in the past here and the same discussions have come up about it. There was an image at the beginning of the year that was posted completely unaltered and with no source as a joke, and this person received votes for it and not just a few. I was really shocked by the votes it received and support, but I decided to ignore such posts because as a voter I could. If others choose to vote for it, it is their prerogative (in my opinion).
So the issue is more about using trademarks (understandable, I am not keen on these uses either) and whole images, whereas you should (or could) only take pieces of an image? I think even taking pieces of an image still applies to copyright laws. Usually a copyright would forbid alteration of the original image, unless used as a parody or some other free use law.
In repeat to what I said to Armo, In the USA, it is known that every image is copyrighted whether it has a copyright notice or not (even if generic, which I am not sure what you consider generic). Unless of course you get it from a royalty free site.
Also to repeat what I said to Dewdew and the loss of his right nut due to a miscalculation of my anticipated facial expression to your comment. I wasn't referring to your magazine cover as a whole, I was referring to the male you used to put Marco's face on, I knew the cover was made. Although quite good in it's execution  it is noticeably not real.
All in all, I understand where you're coming from, but this topic has been discussed previously on numerous accounts. Obviously, it is not a huge issue because noone has made changes to resolve it. This is a commercial site indeed, but the artist could still be held accountable for his actions.
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:59 pm Reply with quote
no i have not heard of run ons, quotation marks,capitalization is whats killing the economy now. and if its too hard too read, you have the option of skimming right the fuck on over it to the next. I will show you what i mean by skimming right over cherylm's reply. like this is some spelling bee, writing class for school. you should learn to use your god given ability to educate the little boys and girls at school. so put up that red pen and ya'll stop all this bullshit. this ai'nt kindergarden, everyone here should be grown enough to know what is right and what is wrong in art. PERIOD that capital e-nuff for ya
captain college????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????there take them and apply-em on my next fuck up.....
Location: Everywhere
Mon Aug 20, 2007 1:25 pm Reply with quote
dewdew wrote: no i have not heard of run ons, quotation marks,capitalization is whats killing the economy now. and if its too hard too read, you have the option of skimming right the fuck on over it to the next. I will show you what i mean by skimming right over cherylm's reply. like this is some spelling bee, writing class for school. you should learn to use your god given ability to educate the little boys and girls at school. so put up that red pen and ya'll stop all this bullshit. this ai'nt kindergarden, everyone here should be grown enough to know what is right and what is wrong in art. PERIOD that capital e-nuff for ya
captain college????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????there take them and apply-em on my next fuck up.....

Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Mon Aug 20, 2007 1:27 pm Reply with quote
i come here to enjoy my self....its 101 outside, and some times i leave funny shit just to keep up a litlle humor. see in the real world, I'm a dad, a husband, i have served my country, and have seen enough to make you wanna rip your eyes out. that ai'nt no joke. i could give a shit if i ever put a space ,period,or anything else in these forums. So before anyone takes my humor to mean i'm stupid or unschooled. Let me be the first to tell you that is not the case. i went to school, but all that school did'nt help when i was thousands of miles from home in a damn swamp that was full of shit and dead bodys. you really dont know who or what you fucking with, so my typing skills may not be up to par.
reading my response may take a little effort, but brother-sister i would'nt try and make a comment that belittled you. but then again i cant say you would be my first choice when the shit hit the fan either. you ever considered that it takes a lot more ability to lay in the stinkest smellest shit you could imagine and stay there until you get your shot than it does to correct someone on thier literary skills. put that in ya pipe and smoke it. read my quote on my profile. do a little asking around. tt is something you should become educated about
Location: South Carolina
Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:01 pm Reply with quote
dewdew wrote: i come here to enjoy my self....its 101 outside, and some times i leave funny shit just to keep up a litlle humor. see in the real world, I'm a dad, a husband, i have served my country, and have seen enough to make you wanna rip your eyes out. that ai'nt no joke. i could give a shit if i ever put a space ,period,or anything else in these forums. So before anyone takes my humor to mean i'm stupid or unschooled. Let me be the first to tell you that is not the case. i went to school, but all that school did'nt help when i was thousands of miles from home in a damn swamp that was full of shit and dead bodys. you really dont know who or what you fucking with, so my typing skills may not be up to par.
reading my response may take a little effort, but brother-sister i would'nt try and make a comment that belittled you. but then again i cant say you would be my first choice when the shit hit the fan either. you ever considered that it takes a lot more ability to lay in the stinkest smellest shit you could imagine and stay there until you get your shot than it does to correct someone on thier literary skills. put that in ya pipe and smoke it. read my quote on my profile. do a little asking around. tt is something you should become educated about
 WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG !!!!! By the way , i don't consider chops as art , to me they are just chops , if you grind a cow up for hambugar is she still a cow? I think not ! Sooooo all's im saying is , if it walks , talks , and looks like a chop , then it is a chop . PS if anyone want's to buy my chops , i accept cash only.......rofl Oh yes befor i forget , DEW DEW , thankyou for serving our country and allowing us to sleep better at night ! To you my friend BRAVO !
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:33 pm Reply with quote
welan as long as you cooking we can call that cow anything you want  knock its horns off wipe his butt and chunk that bad boy right here. thank you for your bravo but i was'nt trying for praise. it is a shame that the smartest animal on this planet is the only one who will fight and argue about nothing, but diffrences of opinions. my one and only problem is when you try and hurt someone just because you think you are better. it happened with dp, it happened with vok, and now grephix wants to do the beliitlement of character, because i am not a journalist. i am one of the easiest going people here but, some scholars of the site find me to be below them on the food chain. trust me i'm not, nor will i be treated as such. i treat no one with disrespect,and expect no less from others. i leave comments that are either very serious or i try and be funny, at no time will i, nor shall i say or leave a hurtful comments or reply. i dont want to be above or come off better than anyone on this site, member,visitor,or guest. i earned my trident, i did what i was asked and told ,with out exception, and i will never stand by the wayside for no man, while they belittle me or someone else. like i said, we ain't in kindergarden. tell me what my spelling skills and litrary skills have to do with copyrights. nothing at all, it was a comment meant to belittle me. that is not going to happen, you did'nt see me making comments about that fagot ass penquin avatar.
Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:59 pm Reply with quote
a simple 'yes', 'no' or 'i don't care about them' was good enough too, after all it was merely a suggestion
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:19 pm Reply with quote
ohhhh sorry......ugh i dont care for them............i'll try and be more reader what were those things again.......punture marks.......gravitation......what was the other, dang A.D.D
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