Ahoy to all ye seadogs!
"Talk Like A Pirate Day" be September 19th and it be quick approachin'! On that fine day we be needin a full crew o' PSC pirates.
So sharpen yer choppin' tools and get ter makin' yeselves a right proper pirate avatarrrr teh show yer salt!
Post yer avatarrr here by 12:00 p.m. (PSC Time) on September 17th and we be judgin the best of the lot. Booty will be divy'd to the top three crew members on September 19th. The booty be ranks:
PSC Pirate Avatarrrr code:
1. Yer avatarrr must be posted in this here fine forum thread fer booty consideration. Deadline is 12:00 p.m. PSC time on September 17th 2007.
2. Must be yer own avatarrr working. No piratin' from pirates.
3. Must adhere to the PSC avatar code (70x70 and 6K).
4. Giffy magic be jus fine by the code but not be required.
Now get ta work ye scurvy lot!

of the

crew so far:
LessThanZero -
TheShaman -
TeaMan -
Oscar -
manic_d -
splodge -
annajon -
mightybeet -
FootFungas -
Heinlein -
anfa -
YelloPiggy -
anabrin -
welan -
dot -
wiz -
sassy -
grefix -
Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey