Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Brain Storm - Anonymous Idea poll - Reply to topic
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What do you think about an option in the profile, or upon entering each contest, to have your entry be anonymously posted until the end of the competition? |
Good idea! |
53% |
[ 25 ] |
Bad idea! |
46% |
[ 22 ] |
Total Votes: 47
Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:53 am Reply with quote
This is silly to begin with... so just to get this straight cause I don't quite get it.. you can choose for your entry to be anon and then what.. we'll have a contest where half the entries will not show who uploaded. ok. so what about the votes they recieve? will those be hidden too? If they are, then all must be, so we are talking about an 'all anon' contest which we already got! If they aren't hidden, who's to stop the voters that get in a contest ,vote for the top 3 at the time and then log out again?? (cause that happens a lot) Its all useless..
we all go anon or not.
we can have an anon contest once a week, say every wednesday for example, aside from the already given anon prize contests..
that's my 2 cents
If you're not on a Mac, you're wasting your time..
Tea Man
Location: Oregon, USA
Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:25 am Reply with quote
Sliver wrote: This is silly to begin with... so just to get this straight cause I don't quite get it.. you can choose for your entry to be anon and then what.. we'll have a contest where half the entries will not show who uploaded. ok. so what about the votes they recieve?...
yeah, if this is done, we could only hide the user's name and avatar and not hide his vote number or obviously no one would know their placement in the contest.
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:39 am Reply with quote
I think once a week ANONYMOUS is a GREAT idea. I do think that it won't work to have "anonymous" and "non-anonymous" entries in the SAME contest. That just seems silly and ultimately frustrating.
I'll tell you what (as if anyone gives a rat's arse) but I'd be much MUCH more likely to enter into the "anonymous" contest much much faster than I've been interested in the contests since we went Full Monty.
There is WAY WAY too much VOTE FOR MY PAL or VOTE FOR THE HERO or VOTE FOR WHO EVERYONE ELSE VOTES FOR around here (for my tastes).
Doing an Anonymous contest once a week would be a good way for people who've not really experienced them to try them out. Maybe, slowly, we can go back to less and less Buddy-Voting and more and more back towards "gee this impresses me so I'll give it a vote - damn I hope it ain't Marco's!"
(And Micose, you win in EITHER situation, so NO COMMENTS FROM YOU HERE!!!!!!!!  )
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Yorkshire,
Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:39 am Reply with quote
worst thing on this site ever 'most votes button' more like 'lazy bastard button', if we must have a most votes button we should no be allowed to vote in that mode,
best thing on this site could be an 'anon button' so when your PM, email, messenger buddy asks "why you didn't vote for me", you can say "i always vote in anon mode now" (and your piece of crap never made the grade)
Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:55 am Reply with quote
amen to Scion and Rein
you don't have to be here long to see patterns that make you never want to submit again.
btw, you know what's worse than voting for someone based on their name?
NOT voting for someone based on their name.
Location: Reading PA
Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:12 pm Reply with quote
I agree with Scion, Rein, & badcop. This is exactly why I don't play much anymore.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:24 pm Reply with quote
badcop wrote: amen to Scion and Rein
btw, you know what's worse than voting for someone based on their name?
NOT voting for someone based on their name.
Amen and Hallelujah!!!
I'm also for a once a week anon contest, but lets ALL be anon. Why bother having it half and half? seems pointless
I would like to see the comments though... just because its anon doesn't mean we all can't learn from tips given
Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:30 pm Reply with quote
Let's get real. The whole voting system is a complicated, poisoned cesspool of fun and aggravation. It will never work 30% of the time! (+/- 7% margin of error) Not even in anonymous. Many people have recognizable styles or they add inappropriate comments and or may give away their identities through broken English or different spellings. And I'm sure there are other ways too numerous to mention.
If the goal is to recognize the best artwork, then an independent panel of judges would be needed, who know nothing about any of the artists. Relying on PSC members only leads to an incestuous merry-go-round of "...", "good job", "this is gonna win" etc...
I have many reasons for voting: Something really appeals to me, despite fatal flaws. I want to recognize someone's progress. The entry is funny. Clever use of source. All source work. And there are many more, which is why I use up my 25 votes. I'm having fun, I'm trying to help people, and of course, I vote/comment because I want people to look at my work and judge it for their own reasons.
I think it would be a fun experiment to allow people to choose anon. But, does that mean the votes/comments wouldn't be seen on that entry? I love seeing the attaboys and attagirls, the sparring, the funny business and the critiques, of which only a few individuals provide.
If it hasn't been done, then let's do it. Let's create chaos. Let's learn. Let's make it better.
Location: Yorkshire,
Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:32 pm Reply with quote
can i still have my anon button please?
and my name and shame forum, that will stop the whoring and spamming, if they think they could get caught out, they will stop doing it
Site Moderator
Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.
Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:11 pm Reply with quote
splodge wrote: can i still have my anon button please?
and my name and shame forum, that will stop the whoring and spamming, if they think they could get caught out, they will stop doing it
I like the anon button idea too. I'm not sure how much it would be used, but I definitely like the idea of scrapping the "most votes" button.
Site Moderator
Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:23 pm Reply with quote
make different contest areas
- rookie contests for people who are working on improving their PS skills, votes / comments / recommendations visible
- expert contests - strictly anonymous
- perhaps a 3rd "micose" version for abstract/artistic/don't-bother-with-realism entries
Now, if this is too much like The-Site-That-Must-Not-Be-Named, you can scrap the idea and keep on doing what you're doing
Location: Probably in front of a computer.
Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:31 pm Reply with quote
Vokaris has a good idea. It should not be scrapped juch for being similar to TSTMNBN  .
_________________ EEDOBABA lives on.™
Site Moderator
Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:53 pm Reply with quote
Maybe make the expert contests even harder similar to H2H rules - post source on Monday, 3 days to chop, 2 days to vote
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:53 pm Reply with quote
tadams wrote: Let's get real. The whole voting system is a complicated, poisoned cesspool of fun and aggravation. It will never work 30% of the time! (+/- 7% margin of error) Not even in anonymous. Many people have recognizable styles or they add inappropriate comments and or may give away their identities through broken English or different spellings. And I'm sure there are other ways too numerous to mention.
Agreed, pretty easy to spot Micoses' and a few others with their style/comments in the anon contests
tadams wrote:
If the goal is to recognize the best artwork, then an independent panel of judges would be needed, who know nothing about any of the artists.
my problem with this is (using the example of the stupid public 1-10 voting system thats already in place)... It seems like the very best stuff gets the worst ratings and vice-versa. I don't know if this is malice towards certain individuals such as myself, or if its a lack of understanding on what it truly takes to do well here.
I just want to have fun and learn stuff here. Personally, I say take away the prizes (or at least limit them to once a month). Give us 1 day each week for anon fun, and maybe a chop on the fly day where everyone starts from scratch at 8am EST like has been suggested 329458349 times.
And kids lets remember that voting is subjective! Just cause you like something, doesn't mean it makes my boat float. And just cause I don't vote for this entry of yours, doesn't mean I wont vote for your next one. Like Badcop said, don't fault/skip over all my entries cause of that. Vote for WHAT you like, not WHOM you like! Or skip someone because Sham didn't vote on each and every entry of mine! Respect the fact that I think for myself. If you wonder why I didn't vote for something of yours, ask me, I will always be honest with you.
 I'd rather hear, meh this one aint my taste sham, do better or fix this by doing that (there are a few that I always turn to for help, they know who they are, and I respect them tremendously) than getting "..." any day of the week.
Location: Probably in front of a computer.
Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:00 pm Reply with quote
vokaris wrote: Maybe make the expert contests even harder similar to H2H rules - post source on Monday, 3 days to chop, 2 days to vote
And the threshhold for "expert" could be a certain number of votes, like the extended user profile.
So you can't enter in the expert contest unless you have at least _ Votes.
_________________ EEDOBABA lives on.™
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