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Location: Ormond Beach,Florida
Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:37 pm Reply with quote
Hope you can take construtive criticism.
I almost always go big and look at detail if it catches my eye.
Looking at yours, there is no shadows for the man or broom, and the right edge looks like it was painted with a poodle  You can def see the time put in both but sk8ters is cleaner.
Contest are just for fun where you can compare your talents with everyone else's. !!
Location: Near Albany, NY
Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:44 pm Reply with quote
JClark8220 wrote: My entry was actually done better, and only received 2 votes.
I just went and looked at the two entries. I haven't read what others have posted, but here is my opinion on it:
1) Your man has no shadow at all?
2) You left graffiti at the tops of the doors, then cloned it across all the doors so it looks very "cloned"
3) Your mesh is not jiving in all spots...
4) Matt's chop has perfect mesh on the doors, he lined up all those joints just so, and he has no trace of graffiti paint left.
So based on the doors alone, I would say that his is better than yours. But, without nit picking or being rude or anything like that to you, I will say that I vote for who's chops I like better visually or even as an idea (even poorly executed it if is really original thought) and I never look at user names because I don't want to be accused of buddy'ing up with people and popularity because that comes up a lot.
You are popular and get a lot of votes if you chop like a pro... Keep at it, improve and the votes will come. My first few chops got like 3 or 5 votes. I am up to the 20's and 30's just with practice... You'll get there too.
Location: London
Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:12 pm Reply with quote
JClark8220 wrote: OK, I have a question about voting. I just looked at the contest "Defaced Shop", and I was the third entry. However, when you sort it out by Votes, Nogoodsk8rpunk was first, with like over 15 votes. My entry was actually done better, and only received 2 votes. I cleaned up the wall between the buildings, I cleaned the doors a little more, plus I took the time to add in a man with a broom. (That's masking time too.) I put in just as many if not more hours. My question on voting, then, is this more like a popularity contest site? Because our entries are sooooo similar, why did he get way more votes than my entry? I'm just curious. I like the contests with prizes, no names were shown.
Seems to me the same people are getting all the top votes. And, if we have the different categories on what part this entry's best feature is, then why not have a winner in each category? Why is there only one winner? I mean, almost any competition has at least a first, second and third place.
Nothing personal against Nogoodskr8punk, I'm just wondering/curious as to why such a large gap in our votes since our entries are sooooo similar? I really would like to know. I enjoy photoshop, I learn new things all the time, but this voting system really has my mind boggled. I work just as hard or harder than others (I have a lot more time than most, since I don't have a job) yet, I've never even come close to winning anything here. Sure, it feels good to win and be recognized once in a while, but I do photoshop as a hobby, and I don't care if I win or not, but this one contest in particular really has me puzzled at the voting system. I'd really like some feedback, and if anyone else feels the same.
you somehow created a repeating pattern of remnant graffiti across all four panels.
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:13 pm Reply with quote
if i may say something in regards to julie, i'm sorry that your upset and i can understand your frustration. i'll admit that yes, friendship voting does have a play in comps, we all see it everyday here. we also see votes for deserving chops too. i believe that both styles have roles in one anothers art.
i believe this site to be more than just a contest site, rather an online community. you along w/the rest of us are a part of this community which makes it to be what it is.
i am in no way offended nor do i feel the need to back my piece up. i hope that your frustrations will not deture you or stray you from psc. hang in there julie your a great chopper
PSC is like a gang... i got beat in... if i leave... they'll beat me off!!!
Location: Sydney
Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:31 pm Reply with quote
for me friendship voting is the only negative thing about this site. some people really take advantage of it which spoils the fun for everyone else but it seems there's nothing you can do about it
people have already pointed out where you might have been wrong in your assessment of your chop vs nogoodsk8rpunk's. just keep chopping and keep learning. the more experience you get, the more awareness you'll get of what makes a good chop
Location: Mojave Desert
Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:46 am Reply with quote
[quote="Marx-Man"] JClark8220 wrote: Why do I suck, at getting votes?
I did not write "Why do I suck, at getting votes?" and I don't appreciate you saying that I did.
Don't I have a right to an opinion that the two entries were very similar, yet the voting was way, way different? I have a good eye, I noticed his mistakes and errors too. I'm not perfect either.
Location: Mojave Desert
Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:54 am Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: OK heres my 2¢ First off we always see our children in a different light, than others see them... we see them as these "precious can do no wrong angels" when in fact they could be little devils. Love blinds us that way. Same with art, you think "Man my entry is perfect" because YOU made it. It takes someone else to show you what you cannot see in front of your face. Trust me, been here, done that. I had many a hissy fit wondering why my entry wasn't doing 'as good as I thought it should' as I'm sure Billtv, Scion, and a few others could tell you. and now looking back on that all, I see them for what they are, average at best and deserving of the few votes it garnished. But I digresss.
NGSP is doing well because of the actual cleanup work he did. If you look at the bigger version and compare to yours, you don't see any flaws in his mesh like you do with in your screen door. He also cleaned up the door and straightened them out. By far NGSP's cleanup is the best of the whole bunch. and deserves to be where it is, or at least top 5.
Back to yours...
I like the fact you put a guy sweeping up, but he seems sort of flat IMHO. maybe a touch of desaturation to soften the bright light of the sun on him and you'd have to take out that shadow cast on him from your broom. plus the fact that he casts no shadow (maybe hes a vampire?) on the floor and wall behind him. But if you look at the source, its very dim, or at least its like a cloudy day. So you either need to desaturate your guy, and do all that cleanup on him to kill the shadow that shouldn't exist. or you need to brighten your scene and add a shadow from the guy to match up the two picts.
so that coupled with the fact the the mesh has flaws has hurt you. Chalk this up as a learning experience, and keep on chopping. If you have questions, or need help, there are plenty here that would love to help you out (myself included).
Thank you. His is not perfect, neither is mine, but so similar, still no one can explain the voting around here. And voting for someone else just as a favor, I don't think that's right. I vote for a job well done. I don't vote for the silly construction-paper cut and paste jobs, that's not photochopping. I don't vote for anything negative or anything outrageous gory done with bad taste.
Location: Mojave Desert
Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:58 am Reply with quote
[quote="Paul Von Stetina"]I guess no one mentioned that its considered vote whoring to talk about your chop while the contest is active, we'll let you off the hook this time, but next time the PSC Pimps will have to come down there and smack the beotches, don't worry about the votes right now, or ever, just worry about doing a good job.
Oh, sorry, I should have waited. I wasn't thinking. It won't happen. Ever again. I'll just enter my pics and continue to have fun.
Location: Sydney
Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:02 am Reply with quote
i think people have explained the voting round here. some vote on the chop, others are influenced by the chopper. sometimes it sucks but that's the way it is
i think you are deluding yourself if you think your chop and ngsp's are "so similar". they're not. maybe you need to re-read this thread
you are not the only one to get less votes than they want or think they deserve
i've never said this before but perhaps you should s.t.f.u.a.c. 
Location: Australia
Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:08 am Reply with quote
JClark8220 wrote: I'll just enter my pics and continue to have fun.
Smartest thing said in this complete thread, (and yes I read them all, that's another 10 minutes this place owes my life)
Have fun, learn and enjoy
the burning couch
Location: I don't know, but it sure is dark in here
Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:37 am Reply with quote
Forget about the votes..... just'll enjoy it more *!*
_________________ Half of writing history is hiding the truth.~ Mal
Location: Northern California
Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:19 am Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote: JClark8220 wrote: I'll just enter my pics and continue to have fun.
Smartest thing said in this complete thread, (and yes I read them all, that's another 10 minutes this place owes my life)
Have fun, learn and enjoy
watch out ... them minutes surely add up
anyways... yes just chop.
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:39 am Reply with quote
its a long way to the top, but there is a shortcut leading you through several rectums for getting popular.  you need some friends AND skills!
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