I don't know how many times i have to say this....IT"S NOT MY FAULT I"M EVERYONES FAVORITE....IT"S JUST NOT MY FAULT....i'm a likeable guy....people like to vote for me.
MINE's better....mine has more work.....mine was a better idea....i had more intergration...his is jagged.....his suck's....she had a fooked up shadow....the lighting was wrong.....the colors clashed.....mine is better......he got more votes for a shitty chop....mine was perfect....every pixal was placed with thought and precision....i did not get votes like the shitty one.....you all are Vote whores....you posted a pic of a open contest.....Ya'll don't love me....he chops with paint..(sorry TED

)...that one was not aimed at you...but it did graze ya a litttle.

YOU rock with Paint

....but the point to all this is....

CRY ME A FUCKING RIVER....SOME of Ya'll need to step away from the TRU-BRITE monitor.....that sumbeach is burning up more cells than the POT i'm smoking...

...i know!!!....that is a lot of cells.
Can you pay your bills with the vote?......can have your dog nuetured with the votes??.....when Blue bought the Beer that him and DB are sharing.....did the votes give him the 2 bucks he was short???....HELL NO....his ass had to grab it and run....and he was still Short the 2 bucks, even though he had 55 votes for the Black dot he put on a white BG. DO YOU SEE A PATTERN HERE FOLKS.....while we all want to be accepted and want the voting to become more fair.....IT"S ALL IN FUN at the end of the DAY....Come June, i will have been here a Year. That's not much for some....but i'm not a Chatter.....i don't belong to 300 sites....This and Photobucket are the only sites i go to on a regular basis..and the PHOTOPAIL is for here...to post pics in the forum. I have became part of this site....THE SHITTY PART MAYBE....but it's a GIG.

I have never bitched one time about the amount of votes i get. Why should i....some people would not vote for me if i made a GOLD BRICK from PS.(insert middle finger here) I am more about the learning and having fun and talking with other folks about PS and alot of other off the wall shit. Just enjoying myself, most days.... ALL BUT ON THE DAYS I MAKE BLUE MAD)....those are long days..

..(boy can he type, pissed

)...(ME TOO..


Do i vote for who i like...instead of the better chop...HELL YEAH!!
Do i vote for chops that are not "ALL THAT"...HELL YEAH!!
Do i skip voting for the top three because they have 95 already...HELL YEAH!!
Do i vote for someone because they voted for me...HELL YEAH!!
Do i vote serious and only for the very best one's...HELL YEAH!!
Do i give newbies votes for a good try...HELL YEAH!!
Do i skip voting all together...HELL YEAH!!
Am i going to change how i vote.....HELL NO.....they are MINE...ALL 25...and i may use all of them for ME...or i may give them out at random....hell i might vote girls today and boys tommorrow...i may have a GAY DAY...and vote for only gays.....tonight may be BLACK VOTE NIGHTand if your chop don't have some Black in it.(25%min.)....SORRY....i want be casting one your direction...YOU COULD EDIT

IF that twist anyones drawer's in a knot..don't worry..because next thursday is "panties in a bunch day"....i'll vote for you then
EDIT:...(INSERT emo with both middle fingers flying high)...The only fair system...as fair as can be......everyone has 1 vote....you only get to vote, if you enter the contest. You can comment all you want, but only one vote...that would make everyone vote more fairly.