TofuTheGreat wrote:
Dunno if anyone here uses Premiere Pro but it's worth a shot.
Is it's possible to re-order the video tracks in Premiere? They sure seem to operate a bit like layers but I can't figure out how to move them around to organize them better (i.e. put my title tracks as the top-most layers.
Anyone know?

I think I understand what you want to do. Unlike Photoshop, you can't reorder tracks (although you can rename them, which is good way to organize a complex project). They just simply start at Track 1 and ascend: Track 2, Track 3 etc.
What you can do, is select all the media (or just the media you want) on any Video Track and move it to another Video Track.
To do this, re-size your time line so you can see your entire sequence. Then use your "selection tool (V)" to "lasso" or select only the media clips you wish to relocate.
Here's the trick however. You need a reference point for all the clips you have selected, this is necessary to prevent them from shifting on the timeline either left or right when you drop them in a different track. To do this, make sure "Snap" is activated, move your play-head to the beginning (or end) of any clip you wish to relocate to another track, then (as mentioned earlier) "select" all the media you wish to move, and then drag the "group" of clips to the desired Video Track. Make sure your "reference" clip is, aligned with and snapped to, the play head you positioned earlier.
One other thing. Your video clips may be "linked" to audio clips that reside in the Audio Track section. Sometimes (depending on how you set up your sequence) you can successfully move media from one Video Track to another but the linked Audio may either: not move (which is fine), or it may want to "land" in a different Audio Track that could already-be occupied with other audio media. In case of the latter, the new clips will "insert" over the existing ones...which can create a lot of confusion AND screw up your sequence. Keep an eye out for that.
One way to help alleviate that issue is to set up a new blank Audio Track (say track 5) and select it by clicking on it (at the far left of your timeline). This tells your editor that when you execute an edit, or execute a "media clip move" (like you wish to do) to try and "land" the new audio clips in the selected Audio Track.