Man, really sorry to Hear. Seeing a movie preview without DON doing his thing...

.....He could make the TELETUBBIES sound like the MUST SEE HIT of the year.
Pulminary Embolisium...(or something close to that spelling).
My wife was cleaning off a dresser that was in my kids room, I had a screwdriver i used to put batteries in something. She went to move it and dropped it. It went point down into her foot....Very small mark...bleed a little and that was that. About 3 weeks later she is treated for what was thought Pneumonia. A week later and no better the doc had a MRI ordered, She had a blood clot move to her lungs from they think the foot wound. Three very tough nights and a week of fighting, she started getting better. Don keep fighting bud....and lay on that morphine button....she did.
Best wishes to Don and Family..
"In a world".....without the sound of La'fontaine. That would be a sad world indeed.
My La'fontaine signed chop is by far the HIGHLIGHT of my trophie case. I love to hear...Where did YOU get this?...... me perma'grin.