Nice to hear from you Rey....Those pins hurt like hell. Touch one and it's on.
So far i have had
Both legs broke twice.
Both arms below the elbow broke.
All my fingers, and toes. My right wrist...just the small bone on the bottom.
One crushed vertibrate...a few others jammed together. I'm actually a INCH and some change shorter than i was in HIGHSCHOOL.


Bearly make 6'1" now. In highschool my senior year i was 6' 2" almost 6' 3".
The Local Police Force broke Three ribs, and was trying for a SKULL. It's they had trouble getting that done.
My nose broke..thank god it was a CLEAN BREAK..i'm ugly enough already.
One knee cap blown out, my left ankle broke...and who knows how many stitches over the last 36 years. I have had enough X-rays to have radiation poision.
You'll be fine in a few weeks...just keep getting up, dust off and crawl right back on. Also take the meds AS NEEDED....instead of AS WANTED. That's all we need is another strung out drug addict on a bike.