jerry717 wrote:
txpinky wrote:
Heinlein wrote:
Any Graphic Designer should know that any images placed into a layout document for print should always be CMYK
That's not true anymore! Heinlein
Nowadays you can work fully in rgb (rgb-workflow) and place only rgb-psd-files in InDesign.
When the order is finished, you make the postscript and pdf with a cmyk-profile.
I'm working like that since 1 1/2 year now! Much better!

That is where the whole thing about excepted mediocrity comes in to play. If you are not finishing your work in CMYK (final color, sharpening, GCR vs UCR on an image by image basis) than the best you can hope for is dependent on a profile made by someone who knows way less about color reproduction than an average retoucher. Profiles are great if all you ever want is mediocre.
I agree!
I spend a lot of time on each individual image to be sure the colors are correct.
Sure I could take the easy way out and covert it to a print ready pdf, but then I would be taking a chance having the colors off. My company is very strict with their corporate colors
and I have found that the Pantones do shift somewhat when using pdf profiles.
I am not saying that I know it all when it comes to design, but when you work on it each and everyday you learn what works and what doesn't.