TheShaman wrote:
Wonder Woman (Princess Diana) is from the all female tribe of Amazons. She can't fly, but she does have an invisible jet that she 'SITS' in.
Ok time to get my geek on

Ok, Yes she is indeed Diana heir to the Amazonian tribal thrown, but in fact she 'CAN' fly, Wikipedia has answers just not always 100% accurate.
The invisible jet was a manifestation of the ring she wore, and is used as an aid to her flying ability with
However the 'jet' is subliminally linked to wonder woman's thoughts, and can change into any invisible vehicle she wishes, i.e land based, and underwater based also. This amongst other reasons is why the ability was usful, and not just a secondary gimmick to her powers of actual flight.
As time has passed, the less she uses the jet, and mostly just uses regular flight in recent stories etc.
Ahhhhhh nothing like satisfying the geek inside