So I finally got a chance to do some serious scientific research into
the Great Reeses Debate (tm).
First item on the to-do list was to obtain a suitable sample size with which to perform my research.
For pallet cleansing between samples we have 400ml of moo juice (See? I measured in metric. Told you it was scientific!)
The initial research proposal was to eat 'em all. Then I realized that's just too much for one scientist to take.
So I narrowed down the subject list. We have 1 Reeses Egg circa 2009 (I hope). 1 standard Reeses Cup (still circa 2009 I hope). 1 Reeses BIG cup (still circa 2009 I hope). And finally 3 Reeses miniatures (circa Christmas 2008. Hey don't judge me!).
Instead of just shoving the subjects into my gaping maw (like you all EXPECTED me to do) I felt dissections were in order.
At this point I couldn't remember why I thought this was a good idea.
Let the Vivisection BEGIN!
Since we need to honor the age before beauty I start with the Christmas miniature. The red one sacrifices himself for the sake of the others.
The 4 month old candy tasted about as good as you'd expect a 4 month old piece of candy to taste like.
MOVING ON we go to my initial favorite. THE ORIGINAL REESES CUP! Who knew this would make me look effeminate? Must be all that chocolate laid out before me.
Fat finger lickin' Good!
On to the much debated Egg. Surprisingly they have a higher chocolate to PB ratio than I remember. The initial opinions of this scientist may have been altered here.
Let's give the Egg a try shall we? Forgive the blur. That much sugar starts to give one the shakes.
The Reese's Eggs are indeed better than I remember. Of course this could be a fluke where I just happen to acquire the best of the egg brood. Only time, and further tests, will tell. ON TO THE
BIG CUP! It's SCARY big. That's a lot of PB there. Hold me?
Despite the objections of the belly and mind.... DOWN THE HATCH!
Wow that's a LOT of PB.
The samples have been evaluated. Two lone miniature soldiers survive. But they are summarily dealt with appropriately (hey they're 4 months old at least. STOP JUDGING ME!)
Before findings can be recorded I realized what a BAD idea it is to eat that much chocolate and PB. Or maybe it was the miniature. EFFING STOP JUDGING ME ALREADY!
Time to call on my lab partner for assistance is required.
Now time to burn off that sugar in
ChopperDome! Why does everything seem to be moving in slow motion now? And what's that buzzing sound!