jazgraphic wrote:
TofuTheGreat wrote:
First problem is using Norton for anything. I despise Norton software.
Naiko/Micose's avatar is showing as a broken link on my browser.
My systems set up with 2 antivirus programs and both narrow it down to this avator! ...for some reason PSC won't allow me to display the gif, but it's that damned snoopy avator.
Oh it's definitely the gif. Tony (grefix) pointed that out. I didn't know if it was Naiko's avatar or not. I just happened to have noticed that his ava wouldn't display for me that's all. I went to the gif file based on your screenshot.
My guess is that the gif won't display as it's probably flagged as a malformed gif after security patches to your OS/browser. I also wouldn't worry about this too much as the exploit
1) needs you to click on the image
2) your security software is blocking it
You've brought it to Proc's attention with this thread. He should simply delete the image file. If it was Naiko's then he'll have to upload a different one.

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey