Mir wrote:
... helping the new choppers understand why an image did really well and why another did so badly ...
I think it is enough abstract. Our perceptions can differ a lot for different reasons. From an image, some can see a great idea or execution when others can only see a boring image. It can be a matter of taste, or a matter of being able to understand well the complexity of the work done, to have the capacity to see the difference between good or bad execution, etc...
I don't know if someone can explain clearly what makes an entry doing well or bad. I think I can't.
Sometimes I feel it is just obvious why an entry did very well or very bad, and in other cases I don't understand why an image
did very well or not so well.
I'm sometimes a bit lost...
But I think here the deal is about improving your skills, your taste (yes, it is like wine... you need to drink wine often to know more about it), to learn how to make good observations... it is not so much about votes and stuff like that...
For me, before anything else, a good chop is about a great idea. And what can help to bring a very good idea to another level is a great composition (especially about aestheticism) and great execution.
Sometimes it doesn't necessarily need a so big effort...
It can be simple and easy. Here's an example:
I'll come back later on this thread...