We have a mod forum for a reason. We discuss things there, we argue, we don't always agree, but we come to decisions. Will the general population of the site ever be privy to the details of those discussions? Despite Splodge, no.

Will the general population ever agree with our decisions? Hell no!
Are we obligated to let the rest of the community know the details of how many times a member is "warned" via PM over time? Um.....no. How about the details of a member's "banning?" No. Trust that we warn people multiple times before a banning is even discussed. That's the case here.
If you were 'warned' for something you did by accident, would you want the mods to post it publicly for the community to see? If you were banned, would you want the rest of the community to read what was posted in Mod forum about you? I guarantee you, that you would not.
As a parent of 4, I can't help but compare this to how we discipline the "kids". I guess that's where my Dear Kids/Love Mom line came when I was on my phone.
Whenever one of the kids gets in trouble, mr. nancers and I talk about it privately (mod forum) Kid in trouble always BEGS us not to let the others know what they did. We don't.
Then they run to their rooms and tell THEIR version of the story of why they were disciplined to their siblings. We never get the chance to tell our version, and quite frankly we don't want to.
Then siblings come to us and DEMAND we tell them what their poor sibling did to deserve said punishment.
I think Facebook/IM is now the E-version of running to the upstairs bedroom and telling the siblings how unfair their punishment was. Ummmmm, except we are all adults, last I checked?
Arcaico is not banned.
Arcaico is in Time Out, he will be back if he so chooses.
It doesn't matter WHO banned him, it was discussed amongst the mods.
Mods can unban people if they know how.
Public Chat came into play. You guys wanted it...so behave.
Now, I am going to finish my night on my deck having a martini with mr. nancers who is waiting for me as I type.
I'm sure this site will survive...it always does. Don't PM me please.