Not that my newbie opinion would matter (i'm trying hard to obtain the right to vote

), but Rey read my thoughts exactly.
3 votes max will ensure people browsing all images carefully, being patient and surely picking what they really like, considering it's a site for dedicated for the passion to create. Now it seems a race to post first in order to obtain some votes on the first people visit.
A contest is open, you browse the entries, if one it really dazzles you, vote for it, if none match your tastes/criteria, come back later, and redo the check, maybe, out of nowhere some work would deserve your attention, and spend those 3 or 2 or 1 even votes on what you really liked after, at least, a brief comparison. I believe this will help artist to improve instead of confusing them when they notice one votes 10 works completely different, and honestly, on different levels. This is how i see things and i bet most of ladies and gentlemen around do.
Have a nice day