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Location: London

Post Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:35 am   Reply with quote         

Patre wrote:
Thanks, gran, for all of your diligent searching.Looks like we have had a similar experience.I also used the clues you referred to: DM,image title etc. So far no break in the case..

Splodge,It could the older Ella Fitzgerald,but I still can't be certain. I smudge painted the image in B&W and want to put it in my web gallery,so I am trying to contact the photographer to request permission to post the painting.But if it can't be found,I have learned a good lesson. On potentially sensitive images, I need to check the sources, when I first download the image.

Kittie,as I said,I'm not placing any bets in Vegas that its your mom..Who is,at best, a most and very incredible longshot Smile ..

One thing is certain. It is absolutely NOT Ella Bloody Fitzgerald ! Laughing Laughing

It looks nothing like her.


Location: London

Post Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:49 am   Reply with quote         

annajon wrote:
Well, if it does say DM_headshot, then chances are it is the woman I found, Donna Marie Christian, and she may very well have been on CNN several times, not as a singer, but as a politician.

Zero chance that its Donna-Marie Christiansen. (now known as Donna Christian-Christiansen... You'd never guess she was a bible basher would you !) The mystery woman has clearly had a face-lift.

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