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Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:10 pm Reply with quote
TofuTheGreat wrote: I'll even cross my toes for Mr. Nancers. Keep us posted on the outcome!
I think we are all there on that one. We want Mr. nancers to get that job!
Hey Alan, any chance to see higher res pics of your fantasy work?
Best shot is through the website,, and click the thumbnail you want to view, then click the picture on that page for an 11'x14" @ 72 ppi. That's the largest without actually placing an order.
Quote: Also did you use models, stock photos or paint the scenes? Just curious.
I try to paint as little as possible but some painting, like starfields/planets, spell effects, dust is unavoidable. I buy some stock photos for backgrounds when I cannot shoot them myself, castles are damned hard to come by in North Carolina, but I photograph all the models in studio or, sometimes, on location. Some of the detail work is miniatures.
They're all awesome looking from what I can see.
Thank you very much, its a labor of love I assure you
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
vunt van pumununt
Location: the netherlands
Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:32 pm Reply with quote
great stuff Al!
I was wondering ... Mr March, is that you?
_________________ "This is a really cool quote"
Location: Hudson, Canada
Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:02 pm Reply with quote
Way to go, Big Al! well deserved!
_________________ "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Sat Sep 12, 2009 10:35 pm Reply with quote
vunt van pumununt wrote: great stuff Al!
I was wondering ... Mr March, is that you?
Nope, I'm Mr. October. Mr. March is Allen Wold, a fantasy author who lives in the area. (He is wrapping up what I believe is his ninth novel)
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Back where I belong.
Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:22 am Reply with quote
YerPalAl wrote: TofuTheGreat wrote:
Hey Alan, any chance to see higher res pics of your fantasy work?
Best shot is through the website,, and click the thumbnail you want to view, then click the picture on that page for an 11'x14" @ 72 ppi. That's the largest without actually placing an order. 
Perfect! Exactly what I was looking for!
Oh and I love that you've got Saruman's staff in "The Alchemist" 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Geordieland, UK
Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:33 am Reply with quote
Great stuff Al and good luck Mr. Nancers! 
Location: Permanent vacation from Nor Cal
Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:48 am Reply with quote
Wonderful work Al! Maybe you should put one up as a prize in a prize contest???
Very nice job my friend!
“I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven, when I awoke I spent that on a necklace.”~~~ Kanye West
Location: High Bridge, New Jersey
Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:50 am Reply with quote
Great work, Al! Congrats! That's the payoff we all should be working for!
_________________ Seelcraft
Chemists have solutions!
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:10 am Reply with quote
nat_g31 wrote: Wonderful work Al! Maybe you should put one up as a prize in a prize contest???
Very nice job my friend!
That's a flattering thought, Nathan. If people would be interested, I would donate a calendar as a prize, certainly.
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Malta E.U.
Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:06 am Reply with quote
YerPalAl wrote: nat_g31 wrote: Wonderful work Al! Maybe you should put one up as a prize in a prize contest???
Very nice job my friend!
That's a flattering thought, Nathan. If people would be interested, I would donate a calendar as a prize, certainly.
I think that would be a great idea. 
Location: my special place
Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:01 am Reply with quote
YerPalAl wrote: I have some good news for a change.
I've not had much time to play here and for that I apologize, but things have been very busy for me. For instance;
I am showing at two events this weekend, one an art show here in Durham, and Sunday a Celtic Music Festival in Raleigh. Nothing like spreading one's self thin.
Also, the new 2010 calendar has been released. This is my third year of publishing one.
More stuff here:
And last, but not particularly least, the new issue of Heavy Metal Magazine has hit the stands and I am a featured artist with one of my images included. I haven't seen it yet but a friend with a subscription says it looks good.
Screw it, I'm jazzed. 
Wow, fantastic work here Al, I will be purchasing a calender from the website!!! cant wait to see the images up close!
Location: Back where I belong.
Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:23 am Reply with quote
Mir wrote: YerPalAl wrote: nat_g31 wrote: Wonderful work Al! Maybe you should put one up as a prize in a prize contest???
Very nice job my friend!
That's a flattering thought, Nathan. If people would be interested, I would donate a calendar as a prize, certainly.
I think that would be a great idea. 
Great idea Nat!
I think some of Al's artwork would be an awesome prize! Hell I'd enter that comp. Wouldn't win but I'd try to! 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:47 pm Reply with quote
Well, I received three complimentary copies of Heavy Metal today and my image is on the masthead page across from and running onto the table of contents. Great visibility. (in more ways than one)
OK, I am jazzed again.
And nancers, how did it go today?
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:09 pm Reply with quote
Congrats on all that jazz stuff--I enjoyed looking at your reverie realm images. It swings.
Former Site Moderator
Location: Pennsyltucky
Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:29 pm Reply with quote
It went very offer was made, but he was interviewed for almost 2 hours, and he felt he connected with the General Manager. He was invited back to meet the business unit managers that he would work with if he is hired.
If they didn't like him, he would not have been there for that long...30 minutes and he'd have been out the door. Right? RIGHT???
Cross fingers!!! (thanks for asking)
_________________ A man is like wine. He begins as a raw grape. It's a woman's job to stomp on him, and keep him in the dark until he matures into something she'd like to have dinner with.
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