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Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:39 pm   Reply with quote         

TofuTheGreat wrote:
Wifey says I can order one as one of my Christmas presents! cheers

Spyder 3 here I come! Cool

My supervisor suggested I rent out my service as a monitor calibration technician once it arrives. Laughing

That's not a bad idea. I add "monitor calibration" as a "value added" step for my clients. I don't charge them but they feel GOOD about the "free" bonus, and I get clients that actually are looking at the same COLOURS as ME when I send them proofs.

(this, of course, only works if they are in the same town as me. Wink )


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Location: Back where I belong.

Post Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:01 pm   Reply with quote         

I tell you the thing better get here quick like. Otherwise this is the calibrator that I'm gonna use on my work monitors:

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
�The mind is like a parachute, it doesn�t work if it isn�t open.� - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:11 pm   Reply with quote         

Is that a.... *GULP!*

SPAMHAMMER!????@?!???!? ! !~ ?



the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Location: pfft..

Post Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:11 pm   Reply with quote         

TofuTheGreat wrote:
I tell you the thing better get here quick like.

so how did it go..
did ya get it home,
how did it work for ya?!?!

i actually came across my huey, thought i had tossed it in the trash..
calibrated the monitor, green.
so i talked to their tech, they said fill out this form, just dont tell us when you got it...

I did, just got the replacement in..
worse than the first one.. this one is a deep shade of blue ^%$@#%^$@#!!!!!

Reindude, since you now have the 3 setup, why dont ya make me a good deal on the 2 since its faster and all.. *never hurts to ask*


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:18 pm   Reply with quote         

TofuTheGreat wrote:
I tell you the thing better get here quick like.

so how did it go..
did ya get it home,
how did it work for ya?!?!

i actually came across my huey, thought i had tossed it in the trash..
calibrated the monitor, green.
so i talked to their tech, they said fill out this form, just dont tell us when you got it...

I did, just got the replacement in..
worse than the first one.. this one is a deep shade of blue ^%$@#%^$@#!!!!!

Reindude, since you now have the 3 setup, why dont ya make me a good deal on the 2 since its faster and all.. *never hurts to ask*

Laughing thanks for getting back to us so quickly on this thread! Razz

SquidMan - I use my Spyder2 for "mobile/at client site" work. Not so worried if it gets trashed. But once I get my Spyder4 I'll give you a good deal on the "2". Wink

BTW, I got a great deal on a (somewhat heavily used) Photoshop CS2 disc...? Cool (nothing says FUN like 2006!) Twisted Evil


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Location: pfft..

Post Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:33 pm   Reply with quote         

ReinMan wrote:

Laughing thanks for getting back to us so quickly on this thread! Razz

SquidMan - I use my Spyder2 for "mobile/at client site" work. Not so worried if it gets trashed. But once I get my Spyder4 I'll give you a good deal on the "2". Wink

BTW, I got a great deal on a (somewhat heavily used) Photoshop CS2 disc...? Cool (nothing says FUN like 2006!) Twisted Evil

ohh I see... Razz Ingenious! You use the spyder 2's slower speed to your advantage while showing your clients the insane skills you have on the squeeze box (or is it insane to have skills on the squeeze box) so they pay you more to leave quicker... Laughing


Location: Back where I belong.

Post Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:47 pm   Reply with quote         

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
�The mind is like a parachute, it doesn�t work if it isn�t open.� - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey


Location: pfft..

Post Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:13 pm   Reply with quote         

TofuTheGreat wrote:

that was during one of my off times when I wasnt on here , and could not be on much..
I dont know what reins excuse is, but I have a good one.


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:38 pm   Reply with quote         

Not sure what you are going on about SquidMan, I was TALKING TO YOU when I said "thanks for getting back to this thread so fast!" Laughing

But, you go ahead and try to lump me in with your Lack Of Total Thread Awareness if it makes ya feel a little bit better! Razz Very Happy


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Location: pfft..

Post Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:22 pm   Reply with quote         

ReinMan wrote:
Not sure what you are going on about SquidMan, I was TALKING TO YOU when I said "thanks for getting back to this thread so fast!" Laughing

But, you go ahead and try to lump me in with your Lack Of Total Thread Awareness if it makes ya feel a little bit better! Razz Very Happy

heh.. it does..


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:20 pm   Reply with quote         

Well then......... pass me that beer! Very Happy


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

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