cafn8d wrote:
I agree with ReinMoose that it's uncool to chat up or down entries in an open contest.
And I also agree with Nancers from another thread... NONE of the b*tc#!ng threads are original to this H2H. This is (only) my fifth one... and after
EVERY H2H Round 1, at least a few people have complained about the source, lack of original ideas, level of chopping, no-shows, and yes, hypocrites who dared to opine without having entered a chop.
My complaint is that you guys can't come up with a single decent original complaint about the H2H? C'mon! My popcorn's getting stale!

Blue is right. It's only a game on the Internet. Which makes all of these threads and dramas completely useless, as nancers stated... Except one.
Prizes, rules, aliases, complaint, no-shows, yadda yadda yadda... Who cares? It's just for fun. But as a matter of fact, we tend to have less fun chopping and/or voting when sources pics suck like this.
I don't know who chooses them (it doesn't matter much) but it's just insane. Don't you guys realize that the best rounds, the best contests have come from good sources? Inspiring ones? Clean and simple objects/compositions giving ideas even to those with limited creativity. What happened in round 1 was so predictable, I can't believe mods decided that this mug would make awesome chops.
Anyway. I'm not even chopping so I should just STFU(AC). Right? Ok.