vokaris wrote:
bogonet wrote:
@Vokaris : as i saw it from orifginal example, white "lines" aren't quite lines, they are spaces between the squares. All three faces are identical, and skewded to 45 degrees and having a half "white line" base displace, will give that optical illusion in "perspective", but still it's orthographic view, not perspective one.
Maybe I didn't read the original correct,then i might be wrong.
We all have different approaches to the original masterpiece Mr. Blue gave out. I'm only commenting and offering my interpretation.
For what it's worth, the Longmont Engineering website has a different variation of the logo
HAH! Even with that "less deep in 3D" gray edge they STILL have the perspective wacked out. I suspect whoever made the version Blurker presented just continued the OutaWack perspective lines...
Well - this
has been fun.

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!