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Location: Back where I belong.
Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:57 pm Reply with quote
vokaris wrote: - do not submit copyrighted images, or other images found on the Internet
In the past I've submitted photos in this category but I've gotten permission from the owner to do so before I submitted the photo to the queue. In one case they only asked that I add a small watermark to the photo. Surely those instances are still okay to submit?
Many of the photogs and site owners I've asked have only asked to be told when the contest started (like Greg Dean). In some instances they've said no and I simply moved on. BTW asking to use their pics is a great way to meet new people online. 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Site Moderator
Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:08 pm Reply with quote
TofuTheGreat wrote: vokaris wrote: - do not submit copyrighted images, or other images found on the Internet
In the past I've submitted photos in this category but I've gotten permission from the owner to do so before I submitted the photo to the queue.... etc. Yes, I believe you can still do that. Special contests like the "Eye of the Storm" come to mind.
The note "do not submit copyrighted images, or other images found on the Internet" was a general reminder that not all images on the Interwebs are up for grabs and free for all to use.
Perhaps the "submit originals" page should have a lengthy copyright clearance guidelines. Any ideas?
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Location: Planet Earth
Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:13 pm Reply with quote
bump...and thanks to those who've responded quickly. There's some great new sources, but keep 'em coming.
_________________ If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance!
thank u Tawiskaro
Location: Massachusetts
Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:12 pm Reply with quote
If I get some quality computer time (child permitting), I send in some of my better shots, too.
Just don't expect me to chop 'em if they're voted in. 
Site Moderator
Location: North Carolina
Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:00 am Reply with quote
Went through 60+ submissions from over the weekend. Some quality stuff in there.
Side note, if you happen to notice that you still have an image pending approval at this point, it is being considered for usage in future special events, so no need to resubmit it. 
Location: Florida
Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:52 pm Reply with quote
If I have time this week I may be able to grab some from the Purdue campus. They have some nice architecture and sculpture.
Patrick Dougherty just graced the outside of our visual arts building with a huge sculpture out of saplings that you can walk through! I wish I could get an aerial shot.
Anyway, about sources, I don't have advantage so I can't submit, but if anyone with advantage wouldn't mind submitting them for me, I could email them to someone? If anyone is willing, please send me an email address. 
Location: Florida
Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:05 pm Reply with quote
For how "dead" it is around here, it sure didn't take long for the offers for submission to start rolling in!
Thanks to all who offered, it's taken care of. 
Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:58 pm Reply with quote
vokaris wrote: Bump. Fresh sources needed. Go get 'em!
Definetly, checked it too, we're running low.
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Location, Location.
Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:08 pm Reply with quote
Yes, I know there are plenty of shutterbugs out there. Lock and load people.
Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:16 pm Reply with quote
I have submitted 7 or 8 this week, two have been in the vote queue already, the others are 'pending???"
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