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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Hair selection - Reply to topic


Location: In a world of $#!t

Post Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:54 pm   Reply with quote         

A useful method
(Notice I didn't say perfect)

I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.

Location: Geordieland, UK

Post Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:33 pm   Reply with quote         

It sounds like the fat kid off the Cleveland Show! Laughing



Location: Independent Scotland

Post Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:57 pm   Reply with quote         

I just watched this about an hour before you posted the link.
I don't believe in coincidences, so there has to be a reason.
Maybe its the hair connection ?
I was looking through an old photo album the other day with my son and his future wife.
Oh how we laughed at old Charlie in all his 1970's finery! His long curly mane cascading over the lapels of his brushed velvet tulip lapelled jacket.
My future daughter in-law remarked thusly.." Charlie.."! (call me pop I admonished her kindly)... " Pop, you looked a bit like a young Rutger Hauer "..
Can my boy pick em' or what !
Anyway I'm 58 today and I'm merrily tipsy !

Laughing Laughing


Location: On the way to Utopia!

Post Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:09 pm   Reply with quote         

charliesou wrote:
....... Pop, you looked a bit like a young Rutger Hauer "..
Can my boy pick em' or what !
Anyway I'm 58 today and I'm merrily tipsy !

Laughing Laughing


Congrats Wink


Location: Independent Scotland

Post Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:19 pm   Reply with quote         

Tesore wrote:
charliesou wrote:
....... Pop, you looked a bit like a young Rutger Hauer "..
Can my boy pick em' or what !
Anyway I'm 58 today and I'm merrily tipsy !

Laughing Laughing


Congrats Wink

Where did you find that pic of me Tes ???
Its me ! I swear it is !
Long curly blonde locks..shades..Marlboro !!


Location: On the way to Utopia!

Post Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:03 pm   Reply with quote         

Rutger today:

Still a remarkable man. I'm a big fan, off course Wink


Location: Independent Scotland

Post Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:25 pm   Reply with quote         

Tesore wrote:
Rutger today:

Still a remarkable man. I'm a big fan, off course Wink

My Dutch is a bit rusty but I got..."Shut the fuck up"..!
And every wrinkle on his still handsome face adds to his credibility.
His hair is so blonde its almost like looking in a mirror of myself 30 years ago, when I was in my ...
I'll leave it to dear Brian ...


Location: Australia

Post Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:16 pm   Reply with quote         

Very Happy Wooo Hooo Very Happy hair selection...sign me up I get to pick the colour...and the length...and the...oh Embarassed just a tute huh...not real hair selection huh... Embarassed ...Bastards got me hopes up Confused



Location: southern California

Post Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:13 pm   Reply with quote         

charliesou wrote:
I just watched this about an hour before you posted the link.
I don't believe in coincidences, so there has to be a reason.
Maybe its the hair connection ?
I was looking through an old photo album the other day with my son and his future wife.
Oh how we laughed at old Charlie in all his 1970's finery! His long curly mane cascading over the lapels of his brushed velvet tulip lapelled jacket.
My future daughter in-law remarked thusly.." Charlie.."! (call me pop I admonished her kindly)... " Pop, you looked a bit like a young Rutger Hauer "..
Can my boy pick em' or what !
Anyway I'm 58 today and I'm merrily tipsy !

Laughing Laughing

Happy, happy Birthday, Charlie!!

You must have been quite the favorite with the girls then, maybe you still are!
Celebrate, "young Rutger"! Very Happy


Location: Israel>Vancouver

Post Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:29 am   Reply with quote         

nice! i just watched some more tutorials on the new stuff in cs5, very interesting.....

although this hair selection tool (or whatever it's called) seems a bit complicated.

Nine bucks at the craft store, hours of fun.
"remember life is nonsense so wear silly shoes." - Noel fielding
"Found a bouncy ball behind the couch. Nothing is getting accomplished today."

Location: On the way to Utopia!

Post Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:34 am   Reply with quote         

Can't find it in PS 7.0 Confused



Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:06 pm   Reply with quote         

After trying all these "in the program" techniques, and spending too much money on "elite" MASKING PROGRAMS like Liquid Mask, I tried out a low to mid-priced program by TOPAZ called "ReMask" (currently at version #3).

It totally rocks. It is like Photoshop's "Extract" on sterioids. VERY intuitive to use, allows for different output (cut out on new layer, new layer with isolation in MASK format, etc.) A nice bonus is that the folks at TOPAZ are actually nice folks. It will also work in CS4 and, I believe, CS3 and maybe even CS2.

I think it is on sale now for about $50 - for my line of work it was a VERY wise investment. Very Happy

(I am not a paid endorser, I just really like the way this works without a lot of fuss and rocket science Wink


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Location: Texas

Post Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:54 pm   Reply with quote         

ReinMan wrote:
After trying all these "in the program" techniques, and spending too much money on "elite" MASKING PROGRAMS like Liquid Mask, I tried out a low to mid-priced program by TOPAZ called "ReMask" (currently at version #3).

It totally rocks. It is like Photoshop's "Extract" on sterioids. VERY intuitive to use, allows for different output (cut out on new layer, new layer with isolation in MASK format, etc.) A nice bonus is that the folks at TOPAZ are actually nice folks. It will also work in CS4 and, I believe, CS3 and maybe even CS2.

I think it is on sale now for about $50 - for my line of work it was a VERY wise investment. Very Happy

(I am not a paid endorser, I just really like the way this works without a lot of fuss and rocket science Wink

I may give the trial a try, thanks. Anything that speeds up work, easy to use, and does a good job is always worth its weight in gold.

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