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Post Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:17 pm   Reply with quote         

I got my PP payment for the prize money. Banana Vuvuzela Vuvuzela Vuvuzela


Location: Bedroom

Post Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:48 am   Reply with quote         

annajon wrote:
BSmatic wrote:
annajon wrote:
BSmatic wrote:
Contest ended 05/11/2012 and I received payment on 05/18/2012

How did you do that?

I sent PSCBuzz PP id in pm and waited. Nothing else

So did I, the day after I won the contest. But nothing since.... Embarassed

I got the prize now. tks.


Location: Belgium

Post Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:49 am   Reply with quote         

Good for you all, somebody woke up and payed.


Location: Bedroom

Post Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:49 am   Reply with quote         

annajon wrote:
BSmatic wrote:
annajon wrote:
BSmatic wrote:
Contest ended 05/11/2012 and I received payment on 05/18/2012

How did you do that?

I sent PSCBuzz PP id in pm and waited. Nothing else

So did I, the day after I won the contest. But nothing since.... Embarassed

I got the prize now, tks.

Post Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:03 am   Reply with quote         

Good for you all! Peaceful protest always helps


Location: Singapore

Post Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:06 am   Reply with quote         

I'm still not paid for my Prize seen 6th of April.

PSCBuzz Ask for PP id, and i reply, but no reply from PSCBuzz till now.

Please Help!!! Sad


Location: Florida

Post Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:24 pm   Reply with quote         

I received my money within just a few days. I didn't get a PM or anything like that, the funds were just deposited in to paypal. So if you don't hear anything, just check.


Location: Belgium

Post Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:31 pm   Reply with quote         

Still no price, been almost a month now.


Location: Singapore

Post Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:32 am   Reply with quote         

already 3 months, and I'm still waiting....

I paid for 2 years Advantage, and won the contest, end up PSC did not paid my last contest prize!

Not even reply me.

Is the money go into someone pocket?


Location: On the way to Utopia!

Post Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:55 am   Reply with quote         

Maybe it�s time for some cooperation!

Send ONE pm together to pscbuzz, like:

Those persons have won a prize contest, please send them the money they won.

1. Name - date - url of the contest - PayPal address
2. Name - date - url of the contest - PayPal address
3. Name - date - url of the contest - PayPal address
4. Etc.

Thank you!

Just saying.
Good luck!



Location: Singapore

Post Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:19 pm   Reply with quote         

April 11, PSCBuzz sent me a PM asking for my paypal id.
In the same day i send him my paypal id, but no reply from him after that.
wait and wait, still no reply from him, so i reply him my paypal id again in May and June.
until now still no reply from him.

then now i'm worry that did he sent to a wrong person?
Actually i just need a reply from him, to let me know what had happen?
If i need to wait for months, it fine for me.

Thanks. Smile


Location: Utah, USA

Post Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:38 pm   Reply with quote         

amosseow wrote:
April 11, PSCBuzz sent me a PM asking for my paypal id.
In the same day i send him my paypal id, but no reply from him after that.
wait and wait, still no reply from him, so i reply him my paypal id again in May and June.
until now still no reply from him.

then now i'm worry that did he sent to a wrong person?
Actually i just need a reply from him, to let me know what had happen?
If i need to wait for months, it fine for me.

Thanks. Smile

November 26, 2009 and still waiting. Laughing Laughing Laughing

That's before Buzz though.

I'm PM'd pscbuzz yesterday on my win in the Wood Climber comp. He has opened my PM. I'll let you know what happens.

Edit: Paid 3 days later! Today July 9th, 2012. Smile Thanks. thumright


Location: southern California

Post Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:58 pm   Reply with quote         

Well, this seems to be an ongoing complaint.... Sad and it really should not happen! I also sent all the required information to pscbuzz, after the win on 10/12, got a really short reply about the PayPal ID [which had been included already], and now...nothing!! Same thing happened to another poster, she's been waiting for over a month. Crying or Very sad
Just sent all the info again, for today's win...I can only hope somebody steps in and clears up this mess! Sad


Location: Brazil

Post Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:04 pm   Reply with quote         

I believe (and hope) that the site "pay" what promise, after all, how many members are Premium? If the site has money, surely must fulfill. I'm hoping for my two wins. But many, many days has passed.


Location: Australia

Post Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:35 pm   Reply with quote         

can remember when all we gotz was a well done and a Pat on the back...but I agree it is bad form to promise something and then not deliver.

I believe that if you guys start a new thread just with your winning date and user name, nothing else and no-one else post in that thread the powers that be will sort it out . To many people have posted here for them to sort it out so start it afresh.


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