Eve wrote:
blue_lurker wrote:
Little Known Fact:
Management never has had a great deal to do with PSC events, its has always been the great members and Mods that do all the hard yards. I guess it may be time for some of the new members to step it up an become movers and shakers instead of waiting for it to just all happen.
Its your site you make it work for you like we use to do way way back when. (yes I am that bloody old K)
True dat!
Several members who were PSC coders and such are no longer around. The Annual Reunion Contest calls for blast emails to be sent to all members. There's nobody to do that ... (are you listening pscbuzz?)
The H2H demands a tremendous amount of hours putting together the brackets and making it happen via coding.
However, it's easy if you want an Annual Reunion Contest. Suggest some dates and DO IT.
Then, GET THE WORD OUT yourselves.
Regarding the Reunion Contest, I would gladly suggest a date myself, but several members have tried similar date setting for contests in the past year and it did not attract attention. This is probably because it isn't "official." When PSC runs one, the winner is immortalized on the "Events" page. We lowly members can't match that kind of prestige
Also, I have tried, but there is no way for me to send a message to all members using the messaging system (i tried sending a message to *). I also don't have access to the master email list (which is understandable, lol).
Another thing I cannot do is post to the "News" section
For H2H, I will gladly make the brackets. There is a piece of software out there for $150 that will do all of the seeding automatically (based on PScore, of course) and you can even tell the software what match-ups you would like to see in the later rounds and it sets up the brackets to make that happen
The code for actually
running the tournament already exists. Someone would need to plug the new seeding results into the old code and manage the source images. It sounds like that is really the only missing piece here; a web guy.
It seems ridiculous to me that a website exists without access to a web developer. They really are just letting this place coast on fumes