Thanks to everyone whose responded so far! I knew about the multiple tutorial threads but I got overwhelmed by the "I wanna try EVERYTHING AT ONCE" feeling when looking at the tuts out there. Then all the interface tuts were friggin boring as I already knew what each tool was (other than Healing and History Brush but those aren't tough to figure out).
So that's why I picked layers (or I guess specifically layer pallete) as a specific topic for the thread. It was the one area that I knew was very important and yet quite different from what I was used to in the layers for GIMP and FIreworks.
The .psds from DP and Marx have been quite helpful (but by all means if you want to post one please do!

. It's interesting to see how each is organized (and yes Marx's is organized and labeled this time around and appears to go along with what Reinman's Clipping Masks tut covers only way more complex).
Things I've already learned directly from this thread:
1. Sets are like "layers within a layer". Seems like this is similar to linking layers together but it gives you the added benefit of applying a layer style/effect to all the layers in the set at one time? Correct or no?
1.5 I learned how to create a layer set (and a set within a set)!
2. You can have multiples of layers linked to other layers. This is wicked helpful. In GIMP you could only have one set of linked layers (unless I didn't figure out how to link multiples). In Fireworks layers are like folders that you can have layers inside of (effectively the same thing as PSCS2 but different way of displaying it in the workspace).
2.5 I learned how to link and unlink layers! May seem like a simple thing but I thought it was cool.
3. Annotation Notes! I FRIGGIN LOVE THAT FEATURE! This is such a cool idea for when you want to share the .psd! How come nobody's mentioned those before? Hmmmm? I'm waiting for an explaination people!
4. You can color code layers! Wicked nifty for organizing related layers "at-a-glance"!
5. The layer icon thumbnails appear to reflect the purpose of that layer (i.e. curves adjustment, color, etc.)? That'll take some getting used to but if that's the case then I likey.
Keep 'em coming!