I would continue to try sex. Hell as long as you know your partner i can't see a down side to that method. Then again the production of offspring would hinder the best chopper. So maybe the way to go is SAFEsex. PUT a box of magnum in the nitestand and ram that chopblock right into the headboard.
No one in my house could even run ps, i can bearly work it myself. When i cant come up with a idea,or the source just does not inspire me. I ask everyone that passes by my computer....what do you see in that picture. You will be amazed at the responces and ideas that you never even saw. Kids will really drop your jaw, try it.
Also another good way i get by the block is to take the source and run it through the ps filter gallery. Seeing it in diffrent ways helps out a good bit.
Try taking the source and duping it. Then take the copy and go wild with the lighting,levels,B&W, anything that changes it. Now change the layer from normal thru luminosity by scrolling the mouse. Really eats the undo space up but once you see something you like the idea has already started.
If all else fails try safesex again. WHO even cares if it works.
I think i will give it a testdrive tonight. If my wife can fake headaches i can fake choppers block.
Just look at the benifits of this thread. i was going to help you, and got a whole new excuse to have sex instead.I really love this place.