hmm, an interesting topic from Marx-man. Who woulda thunkit?
Both - I enjoy the movies with a twist where it's broad daylight and something happens. The moviegoing audience is so conditioned to expect bad things only when it's dark and the ominous music is playing, that the occaisonal film with a neutral atmosphere that doesn't make the audience think something is going to happen, but then it does, is refreshing.
Though, there is nothing wrong with the cookie-cutter nighttime and darkness as long as there is something original about it.
No - this usually annoys me. Show the villain at some point in the movie, otherwise it just seems like they're trying to keep the budget down by not having to make a detailed villain/creature
Yes - A good, freakish creature or a person who is a total nut is almost more scary than a normal guy that just likes stalking and killing people.
Faster - Personally, I rather take on zombies that go 10 feet an hour than something like from Alien that kills you just before you realize where it is.
Both - If it's smart, it is smart enough to purposely be scary, and if it's stupid, it can still be scary by doing natural things, such as stalking it's prey.
Yes - not much to say here. I hate trailers and websites that don't reflect the film's true story or atmosphere.
Yes - Again, I hate trying to watch a movie trailer online only to find it's only playable in the evil Quicktime format.

(I'm sure mac fans equally despise the WMV-only formats.

Yes - it's all in the marketing. Cheesy fonts that don't look good destroy websites, especially themed ones.
Sure - Just make sure it's not overloaded with so much Flash that my damn computer locks up.
Yes - Interactive movie websites are always fun, as long as they are done well and aren't difficult to grasp what you're supposed to do.
Those are just some of my quick thoughts on your questions, hope this helps.