I say Learn the Way You Gotta Learn.
Some of us are great at finding tut's off the interWeb and learning from those. Some of us like to watch a movie of some dude or dudette doing the work and following along later. Some of us like it printed out in front of us, the book sitting beside our computer while we translate what the f*ck the writer is trying to say to us.

Some of us are Very Cheap (like most Australians and Frenchmen

) and actually learn better when we find it for FREE. Some of us learn faster and deeper after we've invested our hard-earned sheckles into a learning program or book.
My point: you gotta figure out A) if you wanna learn B) how you learn best.
Me? I went back to college at 40 years young (see other thread to find one of the benefits of returning to college at 40

) and in the first day of trying to keep up my notes on Dreamweaver and Illustrator and Photoshop and Macs vs. PCs and "her" phone number etc. I did something very weird for me. I closed my notebook and stopped taking notes. I ended up on the Deans List. In college and highschool the first time through I hardly got passing marks and thought I was a learning-disabled EEEDIOT. Closing my notebooks went against all that I'd been "taught" on how to learn. But it saved my life and now I can enter less-than-embarrassing (mostly) entries here at PSC.
My point (if not taken before): A) get clear with your nasty self if you wanna learn B) how you learn best. C) ignore all the ways you DON'T learn.
Okay - as I said in the OTHER thread (where I mention breifly my relationship with a wonderful 24 year old, but which I will NOT dwell on!!!!) I'm feelin preachy today. Forgive me my trespasses etc. por favor.

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!