sage (Jan 06, 2006 @ 7:49 am)
Excellent idea, Lurker!
vunt van pumununt (Jan 06, 2006 @ 11:23 am)
Queen La Tiff (Jan 06, 2006 @ 11:42 am)
I think it's great...
Feral Hamster (Jan 06, 2006 @ 12:30 pm)
great idea, blue. good on ya! (that's australian for "yay")
marcoballistic (Jan 06, 2006 @ 1:50 pm)
blue + thinking = top idea ;o)
HandToolUK (Jan 06, 2006 @ 3:41 pm)
blue - great idea, I loved the first one. BUT - I think these should either be made into ONE single sticky thread (which is added to with each new profile)...
HandToolUK (Jan 06, 2006 @ 3:42 pm)
... OR posted somewhere else, like a separate page off the main site (like the tutorials, FAQs, etc). Maybe jmh could arrange that if you ask him nicely? ;^)
HandToolUK (Jan 06, 2006 @ 3:44 pm)
Oh, and Feral - I think it's usually just shortened to "onya"... :^P
Lrossa (Jan 06, 2006 @ 3:46 pm)
great idea blue! did you come up with this on your own?? lol
Showcase (Jan 06, 2006 @ 3:50 pm)
Or maybe just add it to a members profile page...and then next to the users avatar or under it or whatever, it could have a link to the chopper's expanded profile. Either way, cool idea.
TofuTheGreat (Jan 06, 2006 @ 4:56 pm)
Oh good idea Showcase but I do like the single sticky thread idea too. That way we don't have to hunt for those that have been "interviewed". There's only one place to look. But the profilees should link their sigs to the thread!
dbbowling (Jan 06, 2006 @ 6:02 pm)
Great job blue_lurker. I agree with showcase.
Feral Hamster (Jan 06, 2006 @ 7:59 pm)
although i didn't really read what showcase said, i disagree with him and suggest that he be banned forever.
marcoballistic (Jan 07, 2006 @ 4:55 am)
yeah thats a great idea by HK and show, get them on the profile page using a link like show says, this is a sweet idea
yomar (Jan 08, 2006 @ 10:26 pm)
Please !
marcoballistic (Jan 09, 2006 @ 4:01 am)
and by HK I meant HT :oD of course
marcoballistic (Jan 09, 2006 @ 4:01 am)
although HK has good ideas too ;oD
Vlad (Jan 11, 2006 @ 12:16 pm)
I'm busy thinking up lies as I type.
queenofnightsky (Jan 15, 2006 @ 7:30 am)
I missed # 2 Profile..Where do I find it? An archive created? Btw this feature is great...makes good reading and informative too.Wish it were given in printable format too..!
TheShaman (Jan 20, 2006 @ 11:12 am)
for you QONS http://photoshopcontest.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=94617&highlight=#94617
Profile #2
Micose (Feb 27, 2006 @ 8:19 pm)
works for me