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Not on the Pool Table!!!
Not on the Pool Table!!!
There's nowt like a good tankard of ale :oD

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digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
And just how in the bloody hell am I supposed to drink from that thing?
Granulated Granulated
I'll drink to this !
Vlad Vlad
Right on.
Govan Govan
Very nice!!!!!!
Sulemi Sulemi
Mir Mir
I'll srink any which way! love the rings!
Kansas Kansas
you have
philgos philgos
ece ece
bx3800 bx3800
Patre Patre
I like the green and silver colors balanced against each other, the idea and the work you did to transform the spout into a tankard...That would be a most interesting quaff..
badcop badcop
That's actually a pretty cool design for a mug. A disaster with coffee but perfect for beer and frat boys.
blade_in_exile blade_in_exile
love the tankard idea
vokaris vokaris
where do you buy one of these?
Micose Micose
sooooo good !!!!
bigbuck bigbuck
Where can I get one of these Marco? Do they come in pints?
Crowned Crowned
samuelb samuelb
that looks so friggen awsome
ReyRey ReyRey
All I can say is....Get your F$#!ing beer off my pool table!!!!! Good 1 Marco
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Odd-ass cup there marco.
MindGraph MindGraph
I'm sure I'd have more than some rings if I tried to drink out of that...very realistic
CarlC CarlC
quit nursing that thing and slam it
centurius centurius
nice use of the source!
dfwsusan dfwsusan
wow.. very nice!!! Can i have a sip? :D
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
That's not a beer mug Marco! that's me Drool Bucket! I hope you didn't drink out of that!
TheShaman TheShaman
make mine a guinness
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
I play the winner, next pint is on you Marco. Great job.
Heinlein Heinlein
The best!
FootFungas FootFungas
totally unusable glass vote
claudiolky claudiolky
monkeytwig monkeytwig
rebelos rebelos
erdaest erdaest
Clean and clever cut as always ;)
ScionShade ScionShade
Great direction to go Marco. Most enjoyable post you've made in many months. Nice work.Top Knotch.
Serps Serps
jazgraphic jazgraphic
This is why I learned to replace my own felt...nice work!
rashdog rashdog
yello_piggy yello_piggy
hehe, this looks difficult to drink
GrampZ GrampZ
Haha! Oops....
Zorak Zorak
point_n_click point_n_click
Evelyn Evelyn
jad3 jad3
gravyboat gravyboat
Ain't it the truth.....
bsoholic bsoholic
nice! someone's going to get it for the drink on the pool table. cheers!
thbeghin thbeghin
english vote!
Luxwiz Luxwiz
very good marco...down the hatch in one gulp.I ran my own bar for 15 years ,this brings back memories
efunk efunk
Krank Krank
nifft nifft
anfa anfa
Don't listen to Rey. He's got womans problems!
Sassy Sassy
{gulp} the drucker you get the more ya spill!
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
Michel Michel
Lead mugs will kill ya, you know...
goofball84887 goofball84887
This is a great one. Spot on. Only thing I would change is the cue ball and hand in the background -- its a little stretched vertically. But who gives a crap the mug is just awesome!
Gort Gort
love it!


ReyRey ReyRey
The felt looks more like green constuction paper than felt. The stain would not soak in like that. Still very cool. My two cents
ReyRey ReyRey
Sorry to be a prick but I'm not sure the shadow inside the mug makes any sense. The shadow from the mug also does not match the angle of the shadow from the ball. The ball has a light source directly above and the mug has a light source from the far lef
ReyRey ReyRey
left. It's a great image but these things are making me nuts. I know.. I know.. I'm in trouble but hey. Someone had to say it. 8)
ReyRey ReyRey
P.S. F%ck reyrey. He's an asshole. 8)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol your not in trouble Rey, they are good points, I have already answered your points from some PM's I have had, and I want to add a few more shadows to the image. The reason for the varying angles, are the various light sources you get...
marcoballistic marcoballistic a pool hall, so if I get a bit of extra time maybe tonght I will add the shadows I wish to be in the image bud :o) thanks for the comments as always.
Granulated Granulated
here's one thing to think about...most pool/snooker tables have multiple bulbs therefore multiple light sources...and off course, being so close to the objects you will get differing angles. Also..the drip looks like it belongs dangling off Jenna Jameson
Marx-Man Marx-Man
I hope this wins
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lmao @ Anf
marcoballistic marcoballistic
yeah your right Goof, problem will be sorted literally in a couple of days when I set my new uber system up that has taken an age to come. On my crappy CRt monitor this looks right, on a LCD or a TFT monitor though, its stretched, which is a bugger :oD

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 Not on the Pool Table!!!
by marcoballistic
Created September 26, 2006
57 votes   10 comments
880w x 960h (363KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  14
humor  0
idea  5
theme  0

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