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everyday it's a gamble
everyday it's a gamble

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digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Evelyn Evelyn
Granulated Granulated
beautiful...superb idea
Merlin Merlin
Bladelady Bladelady
Kansas Kansas
Just Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kentq kentq
love the atmosphere..great job
rebelos rebelos
Scrumpy Scrumpy
BroChris BroChris
mikey mikey
ReyRey ReyRey
Azionite Azionite
Eve, you get my first vote of the comp. This is BRILLIANT!
Heinlein Heinlein
Magical Eve!
Sliver Sliver
very nice!
claudiolky claudiolky
TheShaman TheShaman
Crowned Crowned
artsy, intriguing
Patre Patre
Beautiful composition and color scheme, Eve! Wonderful theme and I like the elegance and simplicity of the vertical lines created by the castle,strung leaves and ribbon. Clouds also work for a powerful visual effect...
CarlC CarlC
lesson learned: No kids are allowed out during a dragon attack. Seems like common sense now that I hear it. ah well lets go make some more kids.... LOL
Megpowergirl Megpowergirl
very awesome
rashdog rashdog
jimmy51 jimmy51
This is awesome. I love fantasy stuff
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Imagery beautifully executed
L@rue L@rue
bigbuck bigbuck
jeepers jeepers
Creative, beautiful, wow!
the burning couch the burning couch
Beaut*!* and a definite Fave:)
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
Stevster Stevster
MindGraph MindGraph
amen to that! really good!
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Nice fantasy piece, well done.
centurius centurius
monkeytwig monkeytwig
very beautiful :)
Claf Claf
Cool! Nice work! :)
vokaris vokaris
Nice. The ivy looks great. The dragon in the full version looks jaggedy-edged.
great job, the added dragon brillent!
velocity velocity
Sulemi Sulemi
Less than Zero Less than Zero
Great job...
Krank Krank
bsoholic bsoholic
Jacksparrow Jacksparrow
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
DKCdesigns DKCdesigns
Depth of field vote
Goat1981 Goat1981
I really like this.
Netwel Netwel
I love the look and feel to this, simply awesome
nancers nancers
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
Visually stunning Eve, nicely done.
dumbat dumbat
Micose Micose
P.R.O Eve ur a pro of ps
blackfox blackfox
oregongal oregongal
Another beautiful illustration for a children's book. Harry Potterish. Vote Execution.
fempie fempie
this is excellent! Added to my favorites!
Lord David Lord David
ScionShade ScionShade
gravyboat gravyboat


macaboveu macaboveu
Well done, sorry can't vote yet.

Clover zoom

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 everyday it's a gamble
by Eve
Created November 02, 2006
57 votes   1 comments
1280w x 960h (499KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  2
execution  5
humor  0
idea  3
theme  6

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