I decided to set myself a challenge, & boy it was just that. This was painstakingly cleaned up and 30% extended using only 1 layer, restoring, healing, blending and adjusting angles from within the source layer, directly onto it. |
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had an inquiry to how I did the doors and angle of tiles without layers... Well I cloned and heals the dimensions I wanted on the single layer, then had to cut around and manipulate on the layer the angle I needed. Then I had to repair and blend the...
...empty space that was left after the object move was complete, it took a while with the tiles at the far end especially as only 1 and 1/2 clean tiles were visable to use.
Your back tiles look concave, though. Did you consider making a new layer and playing with bevel & emboss?
Sinks are wayyyyy too shallow. The tile work is a bit messy especially the area cloest to the bottom.
Excellent sink construction. Doesn't look perfect, but painting it from nothing... Amazing.
I hear ya Rey, the messyness in some cases was unavoidable because the way I went about this chop, if I had manipulated on seperate layers then no problem. As for the sinks, the left one is shallower just like my dual ones here in my house...
...and theright, perhaps should be shallower, my bad, cheers bud :oD
Single Layer Clean Up...
by marcoballistic
Created January 21, 2007
48 votes
880w x 960h (254KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
1 |
execution |
8 |
humor |
0 |
idea |
1 |
theme |
0 |
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