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Dune Steps...
Dune Steps...
...but to where? ahhhhhhhhhhhh ;oP more work here than it may look like, extention, repair, recolour and match, compare to original to see exactly what :)

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Granulated Granulated
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
rebelos rebelos
blindgod blindgod
dabdi56 dabdi56
annajon annajon
That'll be loads of work keeping it clean each day!!!
welan welan
very cool
Soze Soze
Yessssss. Marcoooooooo
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Melusky Melusky
The shadows blow my mind
tadams tadams
Good idea, moody. Wouldn't the wind cover it up? Light at beginning of rails indicates two different suns.
Martrex Martrex
Just think of it as therapy.
pollyO pollyO
AdamScott AdamScott
nog nog
Great Job!
gcbluez gcbluez
SyderBomb SyderBomb
Wiz Wiz
"Nice MB, looks more like a slag heap than a dune!" ;-)
Patre Patre
Marco, you are very good at creating variations of a theme. Much like a musical symphony, these images have a visual polyphony that is both complementary and different. I also like your silhouette,lighting and shadow work.
:-@dolly :-@dolly
Heinlein Heinlein
Nice continuation Mark
bocek bocek
Mir Mir
good one marco
the burning couch the burning couch
Love it*! ....though I kinda wish the railing (in the foreground) was just a bit sharper....but...
mikey mikey
Serps Serps
Nice work
bigbuck bigbuck
razerk22 razerk22
whose that boy?
rumsteve rumsteve
Salvezza Salvezza
nice concept
abraham abraham
ece ece
Tesore Tesore
lancoma lancoma
nice one w/ it ;)
TheShaman TheShaman
yello_piggy yello_piggy
manic_d manic_d
Netwel Netwel
anabrin anabrin
CarlC CarlC
you know the weirding way
Michel Michel
a race to the finish
WhimSea WhimSea
a lightened version really showed me your details... sandbar vote!
Huxa Huxa
L@rue L@rue


Michel Michel
I was expecting something more along those lines...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
why Michel
Claf Claf
LOL Michel
Heinlein Heinlein
Please help me to understand. The image that you created Mark looks almost identical to the one Michel is pointing out.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
Michel and Claf are having a laugh I think you'll find
Michel Michel
Heinlein, I used Marco's finished image and chopped the woman in. It was in reference to this forum thread Sorry for the confusion.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
which in turn is a right load of cock
tadams tadams
Ha, ha, ha. Eh Marco.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I'm not laughing for once.
Eve Eve IS kinda funny, Marco
tadams tadams
Did you actually mean to say "a load of cock?" The term I'm familiar with is "a load of crock." :D
marcoballistic marcoballistic
no I meant load of cock
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I know the phrase you refer to Trace, but I like to talk my own crazy talk
WhimSea WhimSea
gees... what I would like to know is which came first... your entry, Michael's mention, or this one? [img]
WhimSea WhimSea
te he he
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol don't you start ha

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 Dune Steps...
by marcoballistic
Created July 23, 2007
45 votes   16 comments
880w x 960h (268KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  4
humor  1
idea  0
theme  3

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